


Sing Tao Daily, June 18, 2024: Nanwuqiang Buddha's Birthday Dafa Assembly, Sacred Scriptures Passed Down for the Benefit of Sentient Beings

Grand Dharma Assembly of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha's Birthday Celebration Benefiting Sentient Beings for Generations to Come#

The World Buddhist Headquarters, Holy Relics Temple, Huazang Temple, Charity Temple, and Holy Grace Hall jointly held the grand Dharma assembly to celebrate the auspicious birthday of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha on the 14th and 15th of the month in the Glendale City Hall, Los Angeles County.

On that day, over a thousand venerables, masters, Rinpoche, Acharya, Dharma teachers, and lay practitioners from around the world gathered together to celebrate the auspicious birthday of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha.

The assembly commenced with the ringing of bells and drums, and the chanting of the Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha mantra by thousands of people. The central stage was adorned with a giant statue of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha. Venerable Langbo Zha Mang, the Director of the Office of Kyabje Gyang Buddha, and two other holy beings presented the newly published "Complete Collection of Scriptures" volumes four, "Teachings in the East," five, "Journey in Taiwan," and six, "Journey in the United States," on the scripture offering table, followed by offering khatas in front of the Buddha. This marks the reprinting and publication of the scriptures of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha following last year's "Complete Collection of Scriptures" Dharma assembly. With the transmission of the scriptures of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha, the public can study the textual scriptures alongside listening to the teachings of the Buddha, greatly benefiting from it.

Venerable Langbo Zha Mang expressed in his speech that since the establishment of Buddhism by Shakyamuni Buddha, the scriptures spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha have led countless disciples to liberation and accomplishment. Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha, in simple and understandable language for modern people, imparts the essence of the original Buddha Dharma to the world, becoming the fundamental guide for modern and future practitioners.

At the assembly, the public acquired the newly published scriptures of the "Complete Collection of Scriptures," read them with reverence, and expressed that such excellent Buddhist texts should not only be studied by themselves but also shared with more people to understand and practice the teachings of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha in their daily lives, making everyone a morally upright and kind-hearted person.

After the successful completion of the assembly, the holy beings from the World Buddhist Headquarters descended from the stage to bless the public with consecrated water, the cool and fragrant water dispelling disasters and obstacles, bringing auspiciousness and well-being to the participants, who showed joyful and satisfied smiles.

It is reported that on this auspicious day of Buddha's birthday, Buddhist institutions worldwide have organized charity activities such as releasing animals, protecting life, assisting in education, and helping the poor in their respective regions to commemorate the birthday of Namo Kyabje Gyang Buddha, and also to pray for world peace, the cessation of conflicts, the well-being of the people, longevity, health, and prosperity.

Reported by Lu Xin, Los Angeles



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