


Office of the Third Dzogchen Pema Khandro, Explanation No. 19

Recently, a Buddhist named Wang has sent multiple letters to the office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche, expressing some opinions. Considering the universality of the Buddhist's ideas and his request for confidentiality in his letters, in order to avoid causing him trouble, and out of compassion, the office will not make his letters public this time. Only the response to his letters will be made public, hoping that everyone can gain correct knowledge and understanding from it and benefit from the teachings.

Below is the response from the office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche to this Buddhist named Wang.

Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche

Dear Buddhist friend,

The office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche has received your letter.

First of all, we want to say that it is a good thing that you have made suggestions for promoting the Buddha's teachings. This shows that you not only want to attain liberation through your own practice, but also want to spread the great Dharma to sentient beings. This is the right way to act as a Buddhist, and it is something that all Buddhists should do and must do well. It is the duty of a Buddhist!

However, at the same time, we should tell you that some of your views are deviating from the teachings and even considered wrong views. Your suggestions are erroneous and seriously violate the rules. For example, you mentioned that the current organizational form is like a pyramid scheme and the way of promotion is like an underground party. We don't know much about pyramid schemes, but we have heard of them. Pyramid schemes are a means of seeking personal gain, even harming others for one's own benefit, causing financial loss to others. As for the underground party, we don't understand its structure and operation at all, but our teachings and actions are all public, including the response to your questions. But after studying Buddhism for so long and becoming a Dharma teacher for more than ten years, haven't you understood that the teachings of the Dharma are selflessly beneficial to the public? Haven't you understood that the teachings of Buddhism should be based on conditions? Shakyamuni Buddha said, "No conditions, no deliverance!" Since you are not familiar with the study of scriptures and treatises, and have not realized the essence of the teachings, you do not understand the rules and reality of the precepts and dependent origination, the relationship between the Dharma and sentient beings' karma, virtuous roots, and Dharma instruments. You also do not understand the basic principles of upholding the Dharma. How precious and difficult it is to obtain the Buddha's teachings! The teachings of the Buddhas of the ten directions are all "stored in a treasure chest, sought by good merchants." It is not about high prices, but whether the moral character of the practitioner is qualified as a Dharma instrument. Precious Dharma treasures cannot be obtained by those who are not virtuous or lack moral character. As for the evil practice of spreading the Dharma slowly online, it is only the desire of demonic beings and their descendants to disturb the Dharma. How can they understand the correct practice of the Dharma without receiving its benefits? This can lead to slander of the Buddha and the Dharma by scholars. Therefore, only after a certain level of practice can the Dharma be openly taught online for the benefit of the public, nurturing virtuous roots, and becoming a Dharma instrument. Even the Buddha's teachings and Dharma teachings must not be lightly and casually spread online. Those who spread the Dharma slowly will definitely be demons or descendants of demons, or fraudsters and evil teachers who take advantage of it to deceive and harm the public. Once it is spread, there will be greedy and malicious people who will edit the Dharma teachings for their own benefit, keeping what benefits them and deleting what does not, and the true meaning of the teachings will become distorted. At that time, it will be out of control. The reason is that in the Dharma-ending period, there are demons and fraudsters everywhere, and the sea of people is vast. No one can distinguish which Dharma texts are the original words of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche. This will harm countless people. Even if we take a step back and assume that the Buddha's teachings are worthless, with your wrong views, spreading them in a disrespectful manner, disregarding the quality of the Dharma instrument and the precepts, isn't that an act of going to hell? How can the Buddha and Bodhisattvas accept such a slow practitioner with such evil views? Think about it, if it is spread online, where is the empowerment? Which Dharma instrument or ritual master dares to accept such a disciple? There have been many remote-controlled conversion masters online. Do we still need to become remote-controlled empowerment masters? Transmitting the Dharma online, unless it is a fraudster or a demonic person spreading false Buddhist teachings! Have you heard of the story of Milarepa studying the Dharma with Marpa? He went through hardships and tests, but why did he eventually attain great accomplishment? Also, the difficulties that the great master Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro went through to study the Dharma in Shigatse; and the great master Dechen Sangye, who tried every means to learn the teachings of Rigdzin Godem but was rejected, and later had the opportunity to translate for the great master Puchin, who dug his heart and lit a lamp to offer to the Buddha and eliminate disasters for sentient beings, and received the empowerment from the Buddha himself. Master Xuyun crawled step by step and prostrated himself to Wutai Mountain to seek the correct Dharma, drowned in the river, and was saved by a beggar. The beggar advised him not to prostrate anymore, but he remained determined and continued to prostrate until he reached Wutai Mountain. It turned out that the beggar was Manjushri Bodhisattva, who personally transmitted the Dharma to him, and he became a great Bodhisattva. Master Xuanzang sought the Dharma from Bodhidharma, cut off his arm and shed blood, moved Bodhidharma, and finally obtained the great Dharma. Have you heard of the term "zejue"? Why do we need zejue? What is the role of zejue? You should listen to more Dharma teachings and learn the teachings, etiquette, rules, and regulations of respecting and upholding the Dharma. First, practice well and become a good person with actual goodness. Then, you will definitely have the conditions to receive teachings. We really hope to see this day.

Furthermore, we don't have any organization. We don't sell anything, let alone engage in pyramid schemes. Besides selfless dedication, we don't gain any profit. Are there any pyramid schemes like this in the world? Also, it should be clear that the World Buddhist Headquarters and the International Buddhist Sangha Association are promoting the study and practice of Namo Third Dzogchen Rinpoche and Namo Shakyamuni Buddha. All the information is public and has been published online for many years. Where is there anything that is not fit to be seen? Where is there any compromise? We don't have anyone giving orders. Learning Buddhism is voluntary. You Dharma teachers voluntarily lead everyone to listen to the Buddha's teachings and help everyone benefit. No one is commanding you, and no one is asking you to pay anything to our office or individuals. The transmission of the Buddha's teachings must be based on the conditions of sentient beings and in accordance with local laws and regulations in any era, any country, and any region. We have never issued any announcements or ordered anyone to violate local laws and regulations.

Moreover, since you have vowed to uphold the supreme and unsurpassed Dharma of the Tathagata, what have you actually done to uphold the Dharma? Over the years, how many people have you introduced to the teachings? What are their names? Have they served the elderly, women, and children? Have they benefited the community and contributed to society? Have you let them protect the Dharma? Have you communicated with your relatives and the government's religious management department? Do they support you? What kind of promotion have you done to practice and serve society in accordance with the teachings of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche? If you want to study the Dharma and uphold the Dharma, you should put it into practice, rather than just talking and saying things casually. Therefore, we would like to hear your practical suggestions, which can be implemented and have operability, so that more people can learn the correct practice and teachings of the Buddha, and become good people who are virtuous, compassionate, and proactive. Let families become more harmonious and loving, let people live in peace with each other, let society become more developed and strong, let the country become more prosperous and powerful, and let the world become more peaceful. Wouldn't that be great? In this way, you will also become a contributor to the propagation of the Dharma and possess the genes to become a Bodhisattva!

Wishing you progress in your practice and an increase in blessings and wisdom!

Response Team of the Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche
December 30, 2019

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