


Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche, Explanation No. 18

Recently, there have been many Buddhist disciples inquiring about a person named Chen Junguang's post on Facebook, asking whether it is true or false. In order for Buddhist followers to obtain accurate information, the office has understood the actual situation and officially responds as follows:

  1. The Third Dharma King Dorje Chang said, "During the Dharma-ending period, all sorts of strange things will happen out of thin air, so Buddhist followers must be very cautious. In my lifetime, I have never had a conversation with anyone named Chen Junguang. Perhaps when receiving the public, someone named Chen Junguang has seen me among the crowd, but I don't have the time to distinguish who Chen Junguang is or what he does. As for who is a high-ranking monk, you can only trust the examinations conducted by the World Buddhist Headquarters. Only those who pass the examinations can prove their worth. I also believe in practical examinations."

  2. Heng Gong Rinpoche has never known Chen Junguang because he is busy with his own work and has no time to interact with Buddhist followers.

  3. Longzhi Rinpoche said, "First of all, I am just an ordinary person who is striving to learn and practice Buddhism, not a great saint. Secondly, I have heard of the name Chen Junguang, but I don't know what he looks like, and I have never had any verbal, telephone, or written contact with him, nor have I arranged for anyone to contact him. I don't even know this person, so how could I guide him in anything?"

  4. No wonder that before the passing of Lutong Zanpo Rinpoche, someone mentioned Chen Junguang at a meeting in Taiwan. Lutong Zanpo Rinpoche said at that time, "I have advised this Chen Junguang, but he has deviated from cultivation and does not listen to teachings. Actually, where in the world is there a Chen Junguang? These baseless rumors are not worth mentioning."

We hope that all Buddhist disciples can earnestly listen to the Dharma teachings of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang, practice diligently, take the "Great Liberation Mudra" as the foundation, use the 128 views to discern and distinguish all individuals, naturally recognize the true and false, cultivate correct knowledge and views, and attain both blessings and wisdom!

Office of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang
September 15, 2019

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