


"World News Network" February 12, 2024: Blessing Ceremony at Shengji Temple Welcomes Spring

Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena holds a Spring Blessing Prayer Ceremony during the first five days of the Lunar New Year, with a continuous stream of male and female believers going to worship and pray for blessings. (Provided by Holy Miracles Temple)

The Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena's Buddhist temple holds a Spring Blessing Prayer Ceremony from the first to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year (10th to 14th), with a continuous stream of male and female believers going to worship and pray for blessings.

Many Chinese people in Southern California maintain the tradition of worshipping and praying for blessings during the Lunar New Year, with families going to temples to light candles and pray for a prosperous and peaceful new year, as well as for blessings and longevity. During the first day of the Lunar New Year ceremony, the Venerable Master Jin Kou of Huazang Temple presided over the ceremony, leading the believers to offer light, blessed rice, and fresh flowers in the main hall, reciting scriptures and praying for a bountiful harvest, peace, wisdom, and family well-being in the new year.

The New Year Blessing Prayer Ceremony at Holy Miracles Temple on the first day of the Lunar New Year also includes a Spring Tea Party and donation activities, where blessings bags are distributed to the believers. The collected items will be donated to food banks, homeless shelters, and animal shelters.

Lin Yuxuan from San Diego mentioned that she has been going to temples with her family and elders since she was young. Whenever there is a birthday of a Buddha or any event, the whole family goes to the temple to participate. It is a tradition for the family to worship and pray for blessings at the temple on the first day of the Lunar New Year, hoping for a spirited and healthy Year of the Dragon for the whole family.

Believers who come to pray for blessings before the New Year come from all over the country. Terry from Boston mentioned that he comes to Holy Miracles Temple every year for blessings during the New Year. This year, he volunteered for the first time to serve everyone and felt full of joy and inner peace.

The Holy Miracles Temple in Pasadena holds a Spring Blessing Prayer Ceremony from the first to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, with a continuous stream of male and female believers going to worship and pray for blessings. (Provided by Holy Miracles Temple)

World News Network, February 12, 2024

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