


World Journal, June 16, 2024: Two Dharma Assemblies Celebrating Buddha's Birthday Draw Over a Thousand Faithful in Southern California.

Namo Qiangfo Buddha's Birthday Celebration 2 Large-scale Dharma Assemblies Gather Over a Thousand Believers in Southern California#

From all over the United States and around the world, thousands of Buddhist believers gathered at the Glendale City Hall Auditorium over the weekend to celebrate Buddha's birthday. (Provided by the World Buddhist Headquarters, photo by Gaoshan)

The World Buddhist Headquarters, Shengji Temple, Huazang Temple, Charity Temple, and Shengge Lecture Hall jointly organized two large-scale Buddhist Dharma assemblies in Southern California on the 14th and 15th, where thousands of Buddhist believers from all over the United States and the world gathered together to celebrate Buddha's birthday and pray for world peace.

The World Buddhist Headquarters, Shengji Temple, Huazang Temple, Charity Temple, and Shengge Lecture Hall jointly organized two large-scale Buddhist Dharma assemblies in Southern California on the 14th and 15th. (Provided by the World Buddhist Headquarters, photo by Gaoshan)

The celebration of Namo the Third Dzogchen Qiangfo Buddha's birthday was held at the Glendale City Hall Auditorium, with a full house and a grand scene. The President of the World Buddhist Headquarters, Monk Mozhizun, the Director of the Office of the Third Dzogchen Qiangfo Buddha, Monk Langbo Zhaizang, the Vice President of the World Buddhist Headquarters, Monk Zhengda Jiaozun, and the Abbot of Huazang Temple, Monk Ruohui Yuzun, attended the Dharma assembly.

The Office of the Qiangfo Buddha organized and published the fourth volume "Teachings in the East" and the fifth volume "Visit to Taiwan" and the sixth volume "Visit to the United States" of the "Collection of Sutras" at this Dharma assembly, meeting with the public. This is the reprint and publication of the new version of the Namo the Third Dzogchen Qiangfo Buddha's teachings after the sacred scripture Dharma assembly of the "Collection of Sutras" in 2023.

Monk Langbo Zhaizang stated in his speech that Namo the Third Dzogchen Qiangfo Buddha imparts the essence of the original Buddha's teachings to the world in a simple and understandable language that modern people can easily comprehend. The Collection of Sutras of Namo the Third Dzogchen Qiangfo Buddha is also the second set of Buddha's teachings collected globally, aiming to help believers understand the Buddha's teachings in a simple and understandable way.

After the Dharma assembly, the believers also participated in the blessing activities of the Buddha's teachings, receiving the sprinkling of holy water by eminent monks, praying for disaster relief, obstacle removal, auspiciousness, and well-being.

World Electronic News, June 16, 2024: Buddha's Birthday Celebration 2 Large-scale Dharma Assemblies Gather Over a Thousand Believers in Southern California

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