


World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center Reply to Consultation No. 20210103

Reply to the inquiry:

Regarding the inquiry about the false claim that the Buddha approves of something and that Feng Shui can change one's destiny, the World Buddhist Headquarters, Shengde Group, respectfully consulted the Buddha. The Buddha said, "This is an evil fallacy that goes against cause and effect, and it is fundamentally an evil problem of ideology. I have long spoken about the distinction between right and wrong in such matters. If you insist on being wrong, it is truly pitiful, and no one can save you." The Buddha warned his disciples, "Everything in the universe is interconnected by cause and effect. There is no room for feudal superstition, the distorted views of charlatans, witches, yin and yang, Feng Shui, and destiny." These are all deceptive tricks. The Buddha clearly stated in the 128 erroneous and evil views: "Not understanding cause and effect leads to confusion about destiny and luck. Not understanding cause and effect, not believing in cause and effect, denying cause and effect, and believing in fortune-telling and luck are all evil views. It is important to understand that everything is interconnected by cause and effect." Therefore, you will reap what you sow, and Feng Shui and destiny cannot change what you have done. Regardless of one's status, as long as they believe in Feng Shui, fortune-telling, and other feudal superstitions, unorthodox practices, strange powers, and misleading words, they are not behaving as Buddhists. They are all considered the behavior of outsiders. If a Buddhist is even slightly contaminated by these, they will not be able to see the Buddha. How can they attain the blessings and wisdom of accomplishment? False theories not only cannot change one's destiny but also make one a pitiful person. Only by following the teachings of the Third Dharma King, Duojie Qiangfo, and the teachings and precepts of Shakyamuni Buddha, refraining from doing evil and practicing good, showing compassion and benefiting humanity, benefiting all sentient beings, and praying for a prosperous country and a strong people, abundant harvests, and a world of peace and happiness, can one follow the right path. This is the cause for learning Buddhism and achieving the perfect liberation of blessings and wisdom.

World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center
November 6, 2021

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