


World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center Reply to Inquiry No. 20200104

To all Buddhist disciples:

The World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center issued a reply to Consultation No. 20200104 on August 17, 2020. However, due to the lack of careful proofreading by the specific handler during the processing, the word "不" in the sentence "你不了解胜义法规,自然正常" was omitted, changing it to "你了解胜义法规,自然正常," completely reversing the meaning.

Now, for all Buddhist disciples who have received the "Reply to Consultation No. 20200104," please delete the incorrect email immediately to avoid causing karmic retribution, and save this "Corrected Version of Reply to Consultation No. 20200104." For Buddhist disciples who have already forwarded it to other platforms or websites, please also delete the old versions on the relevant platforms or websites and replace them with today's "Corrected Version of Reply to Consultation No. 20200104." Readers should also delete the old versions and keep this new version!
Due to the negligence of the handler, such a big mistake has been made, and the handler deeply regrets it! We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused to all Buddhist disciples!

Wishing everyone
Progress in practice and increase in blessings and wisdom!

World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center
August 18, 2020

World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center#

Reply to Consultation#


Dear Buddhist disciples:

Your letter of reasoning and explanation is based on the current situation of world Buddhism. We believe that your viewpoint is correct. However, according to the principles and laws you described, it is clear that what you have learned is the secular Mahakala method, not the Mahakala method of ultimate truth. The Water Vase Pearl Divination method is the only chapter in the ritual of the Mahakala method of ultimate truth. As for the Fire Vase, Wind Vase, Earth Vase, and Colored Sand Collection Vase, they all belong to the conventional Mahakala method passed down in the world. However, as mentioned by Venerable Yuling in the inquiry, the Mahakala Water Vase method described by Zhang Jia Hutoqutu has been passed down from the heavens and is rare to be found in Mongolia and Tibet. It can be seen that it is normal for you to not understand the rules of the Mahakala method of ultimate truth. This also indicates that in this world, there is a lack of sacred materials for the practice of the Mahakala method. That is why the Mahakala method of the secular world has become popular. The four major methods of the Mahakala method that you mentioned just prove that you have not encountered the Mahakala Water Vase method, which is the highest and most important method of the Mahakala method. It is the overall practice of the lotus flower and the only Mahakala method of ultimate truth that Buddhist disciples should be aware of. The secular Mahakala Pearl Divination method does not possess the precise ability to distinguish between right and wrong. The difference between the method of ultimate truth and the secular method is like night and day. The secular method uses six white pearls and six black pearls, a total of twelve pearls, all placed in a clay bottle. This is the "Earth Vase method." After practicing the method and making handprints, you reach into the bottle without seeing the pearls and first take out one pearl. If it is a white pearl, you can proceed to the second round and take out two pearls. If both pearls in the second round are white, then you can proceed to the third round and take out three pearls. If all three pearls are white, it is considered correct and accurate. In other words, three rounds with six white pearls is correct, but if one black pearl is mixed in, it is incorrect (there is a detailed explanation).

The Mahakala Vajra Pearl Divination method of ultimate truth is the Water Vase method, which only uses five pearls, all of which are wooden and made from the bodhi tree, coated with white pine resin. Before practicing the pearl divination, two people are randomly selected from the participants, and these two people freely take out two pearls from the five pearls. One person paints the pearl red, representing the accumulation of blessings, and the other person paints the other pearl green, representing the accumulation of wisdom. In the main hall of the practice, a large white water vase city is set up, filled with water, and the two people who dyed the pearls place all five pearls into the water vase city, covering it with a peacock feather fan. The great saint presides over the practice according to the rules, such as selecting the "Lesson Recitation Text," and even selecting a sentence of Dharma language independently to determine whether it is right or wrong, or to determine the authenticity of a living Buddha, whether it is holy or mundane. As long as the nature of the selected object is correct, the red and green pearls will gather together. At this time, according to the rules, the two pearls are opened and separated. If the red and green pearls gather together again in the second round, the same as the first round, or if they gather together when opened in the third round, it is considered the same. On the contrary, if it is evil or false, the wooden, red, and green pearls will gather together in disorder. They should be opened and separated according to the law. If they continue to gather together as usual, it is considered evil, false, and incorrect.

For each type of special selection decision, it must be selected two or three times to determine the nature. As Venerable Yuling said, we cannot use the conventional secular Mahakala Pearl Divination method to determine right and wrong lightly, because it is difficult to find a great saint who can practice the Mahakala Water Vase Pearl Divination method in the world today. This method is powerful and reaches the highest level, precise and without mistakes. It is rare to encounter. The great masters who practice the Mahakala method in the world today are almost impossible to find one out of ten thousand who can successfully practice the Mahakala Water Vase Pearl Divination method. Those who are confident in achieving it must be true great Mahasattvas. Because you often hear about many famous figures in the world who have been certified as the reincarnation of certain great bodhisattvas, in fact, they are not even qualified as arhats. Therefore, they can only practice the secular Mahakala Pearl Divination method and promote the conventional Mahakala method in Tibetan Buddhism.

What Venerable Yuling said is all about the secular Mahakala Pearl Divination method. Shengji Temple has decided to practice the Mahakala Water Vase Pearl Divination method to determine the "Morning and Evening Lesson Recitation." Although Shengji Temple has not caused a sensation, it is a temple where the Buddha often visited. The holy relics of the temple are visible to all and are rare to find. It has experienced the "Buddha Descending Nectar," the "Mahakala Fire Offering" method, the "Manifestation of Hidden Treasures," and the "Buddha Holding a Pestle" to demonstrate the essence of the Buddha in 59 stages. At that time, the Eight Guardians of the Law arrived, the wind howled, and the power was shocking. The temple has also experienced the pilgrimage of hundreds of thousands of garudas at the same time. The temple has also received the conversion of non-human beings, princes, deities, and dragons, causing the earth to shake. Therefore, the holy relics of Shengji Temple are unprecedented in the world. We believe that there must be a great Mahasattva who will come forward to practice the Water Vase method. We have confidence in striving for the success of the Mahakala Water Vase method and determining the "Morning and Evening Lesson Recitation." However, we must conduct it in accordance with the government's regulations on health and safety and epidemic prevention. We will not violate any epidemic prevention regulations. If you have the opportunity, you can come to participate in the sacred assembly, and you will witness the majesty of the holy relics. You cannot judge it with ordinary eyes. It is precise and incomparable. How can it be compared with secular methods? For example, the five pearls floating in the water vase, if you recite "Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, who became a Buddha in the Saha World" or "Namo Qiang Buddha, the only Buddha who descended into the Dharma Realm" or "All Buddhas in the world are seen," the red and green pearls will come together. If you recite "Namo Devadatta, the Buddha" or "I have seen all beings in the world," the red and green pearls will not come together.

Therefore, we can only say that the Mahakala Water Vase Pearl Divination method of ultimate truth is supreme and precise!

World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center
August 17, 2020

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