


World Buddhist Headquarters Consultation Center Reply to Consultation No. 20200103

Reply to the inquiry letter:

  1. In today's era, the only Buddhist scriptures that can be considered as the Dharma teachings are the books of the Third Supreme Dharma King, Dorje Chang Buddha III, that have been approved for publication by the International Buddhism Sangha Association, and the Dharma teachings and Dharma sounds directly issued by the International Buddhism Sangha Association. Apart from these, anything else that has not been determined by the correct Dharma and the true nature of the original Buddha is unknown whether it is right or wrong, whether it is the true teachings of the Buddha or something that the demonic beings have manipulated and mixed with the truth and falsehood by fulfilling the vow power of the demon king Poxun. Our headquarters dare not make a judgment on whether it is right or wrong.

  2. The only ones who can review the Dharma teachings are the Buddha and the great holy beings of the level of Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment, or those who have achieved the correct Dharma through the "Golden Vase Drawing Lots" or the confirmation of the holy Dharma by the Law Gate Palace Feather and the Five Supreme Holy Dharma of the direct lineage of Buddhism. Apart from these, anyone who claims to review the Dharma teachings is a demonic being or at least a fraud!

  3. The Buddha's Dharma sounds and the announcements from the headquarters have repeatedly and clearly reminded Buddhist disciples that those who have not achieved the level of the Third Supreme Dharma King are not qualified to give teachings. If someone who has not achieved the level of the Third Supreme Dharma King claims to give teachings, it is one hundred percent deceptive and misleading. Therefore, anyone who claims to review the Dharma teachings, except for the Buddha and the great holy beings of the level of Bodhisattvas of Equal Enlightenment, is undoubtedly a demonic being or a fraud.

World Buddhism Headquarters Consultation Center
July 7, 2020


Email: [email protected]

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