


"Mei Xin News" June 14, 2024: Namo Quanfo Buddha's Birthday Dharma Assembly Sacred Scriptures Passed Down

Namo Qiang Buddha Buddha's Birthday Dharma Assembly Scripture Transmission#

Release Time: June 14, 2024, 20:45 Source: Meixin News Agency


[Meixin News Agency Los Angeles News] On Friday morning, June 14th, two grand Buddhist Dharma assemblies were held at the Glendale Civic Auditorium in Glendale, Los Angeles County, co-hosted by the World Buddhist Headquarters (W.B.A.H.), Holy Miracles Temple, Hua Zang Si, Benevolence Temple, and Sanger Mission. Over a thousand venerables, masters, Rinpoche, Acharya, Dharma teachers, and laypeople from various states in the United States, Canada, Germany, China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other places gathered together to celebrate the auspicious birth of the Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha.




The Dharma assembly began with the sound of bells and drums and the chanting of the Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha mantra. Ten monks holding incense burners and banners entered, followed by dozens of nuns holding bells, drums, and cymbals. Venerable Mozhi, the chairman of the World Buddhist Headquarters, walked in front with an incense case, followed by the director of the Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha Office, Venerable Langbo Zhaimang, and the vice chairman of the World Buddhist Headquarters, Venerable Zhengda Jiao, and the abbot of Hua Zang Si, Venerable Ruohui Ru. They carried the "Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha Canon Collection" and stepped onto the Dharma platform.


In the center of the Dharma platform, there was a huge statue of the Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha, holding the scepter of the World Buddhist Pope, radiating infinite compassion, as if overlooking the sentient beings below and in the world. Venerable Langbo Zhaimang and the other three holy beings offered khatas in front of the Buddha, and placed the newly published fourth volume "The Foundation of the Dharma in the East," the fifth volume "Journey to Taiwan," and the sixth volume "Journey to the United States" on the scripture offering table.

In his speech, Venerable Langbo Zhaimang said that since the founding of Buddhism by Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, the scriptures spoken by Shakyamuni Buddha have liberated and achieved countless disciples of the Buddha. The Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha, in simple and understandable language for modern people, has taught the essence of the original Buddhist teachings to the world, becoming the fundamental guide for modern and future practitioners. Over the years, thousands of centers and temples have been established worldwide, promoting the listening to the Dharma of Namo Qiang Buddha by the public, serving as the fundamental guide for learning and practicing Buddhism. The Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha Office has organized many holy beings, high monks, great virtuous ones, and laypeople to transform the Buddha's teachings into written form. After extensive sorting, proofreading, typesetting, and printing, the current Buddhist canon collection, "Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha Canon Collection," as the second set of Buddha's teachings in our world, will help more disciples of the Buddha to attain liberation.



After the successful completion of the Dharma assembly, the holy beings of the World Buddhist Headquarters stepped down from the Dharma platform and used blessed water to sprinkle on the participants, eliminating disasters and obstacles, bringing auspiciousness and well-being to the attendees, who showed joyful and satisfied smiles.

At the scene of the Dharma assembly, many participants purchased the newly published "Canon Collection," and many people couldn't wait to start reading it. They expressed their intention to organize groups for collective study and to devote themselves to implementing the essence of the Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha's teachings in their daily practice. They prayed that the "Namo Third Generation Doje Qiang Buddha Canon Collection" would be widely disseminated, allowing the true Dharma to remain in the world and enabling countless sentient beings to attain liberation.





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