


International Buddhist Sangha Association's public response to Vietnamese Buddhist Meili.

To the Buddhist Yuet Mei:

The International Buddhist Sangha has received your letter (please see the attached image).

Firstly, we would like to point out a few facts:

  1. Around ten years before 1985, His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche never visited Hong Kong, nor did he have anything confiscated or detained by Hong Kong customs. Not only was nothing confiscated by Hong Kong customs, but His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche has never had anything confiscated by customs in any country or region in the world, not even a piece of paper. Especially in 1985, when sentient beings' merits were not yet complete, His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche only taught those with affinity, and he never publicly recorded any teachings. Buddhist practitioners did not have the opportunity to listen to any teachings. You should not say whatever you want without considering the facts.

  2. His Holiness Dodrupchen Rinpoche only had one house on Chinese soil, located on Xinhua West Road in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. This is the only house of the Buddha in China. Due to persecution, the house on Xinhua West Road in Chengdu has been demolished for over ten years, and not a single penny has been compensated. The land is still vacant. Apart from this, His Holiness Dodrupchen Rinpoche does not have any other properties in China. In Beijing, the Buddha does not even have a square millimeter of property. Therefore, there is no truth to the claim that the Buddha's calligraphy and paintings were taken from his home in Beijing. You should not fabricate such claims.

  3. The recordings of His Holiness Dodrupchen Rinpoche's teachings and his calligraphy and paintings were taken by the public security bureau from Meijing Building in Shenzhen. The quantity is not as you described; there are much more. Additionally, the property in Meijing Building belongs to His Eminence Jirang Gen Rinpoche, not the Buddha's master.

Furthermore, you asked what instructions there are for you. This is the first time the Sangha has received your letter, and we do not know your situation. However, for all Buddhist practitioners, the Sangha requires them to earnestly listen to the teachings of His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche, study the scriptures of Shakyamuni Buddha that have not been distorted by demons, and strictly observe all precepts such as "do not kill, do not speak falsely." According to the teachings of His Holiness Dodrupchen Rinpoche and Shakyamuni Buddha, one should practice diligently, abide by the law, and help and benefit others and all sentient beings. This is the basic standard for a Buddhist practitioner. The Sangha treats you the same as everyone else; there is no difference.

International Buddhist Sangha
June 19, 2020

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