


Please kindly ask the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association to help me forward this article: I have finally decided to leave the Third Dzogchen Pema Khandro.

I am Shi Zhenghui. After graduating from National Chengchi University in Taiwan, I became a monastic at the temple and followed the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha for eighteen years at his residence. Now, I have finally decided to leave Dorje Chang Buddha and return to Taiwan. It is as if I am leaving Dorje Chang Buddha, but it is more accurate to say that I have gained the opportunity to rely on the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha to study the true Dharma for countless lifetimes! During my time with the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, I have witnessed, experienced, heard, and felt so much. The teachings of the Buddha have brought me into the extraordinary realm of the Dharma, allowing me to personally experience the true teachings of the Buddha. I wrote the book "Unveiling the Truth" based on these experiences. Under the blessings and guidance of my teacher, I have been immersed in the teachings and have obtained what I have longed for. I feel ashamed to speak of this sense of fulfillment, but it is my true feeling. As a Bhikkhuni, how can I not speak the truth? However, despite this, I still have elderly parents who have not yet learned the Dharma and are still following other paths. This has always been a burden in my heart. When I think of Shariputra and Maudgalyayana, I, someone with a limited level of realization, cannot even help my parents who are still trapped in other paths. How can I call myself a Bhikkhuni? Therefore, after careful consideration, I have decided to personally go back and guide my parents to attain enlightenment. I will use the true Dharma that I have learned to benefit them. However, I cannot bear to leave my teacher Dorje Chang Buddha in my heart. So, in December 2017, I reported my intentions to my teacher. Dorje Chang Buddha said, "Very well, when you go to guide your parents, you will not be leaving your current temple. Your meditation place and everything else will be with you. When you enter the samadhi of present awareness, you will hear the ultimate truth in front of me. When the next set of conditions is ripe, I will bestow upon you even more superior teachings." With these words, my doubts were resolved, and I decided to depart for Taiwan on May 10, 2018. The thought of leaving the compassionate and great Dorje Chang Buddha weighs heavily on my heart. However, following the example of the venerable predecessors, I have made a vow to save and guide my parents, allowing them to learn the true Dharma. I must temporarily set aside this attachment because I want to guide my parents to learn the teachings of Dorje Chang Buddha and also use the true Dharma that I have learned to benefit more sentient beings. Dorje Chang Buddha asked me, "As a monastic, do you know what a Sangha is?" I replied, "Recently, I watched an Indian TV series about Shakyamuni Buddha. In it, Shakyamuni Buddha explained the Buddhist Sangha to Devadatta, saying, 'The ability to awaken is the Buddha, the path to awakening is the Dharma, and those who devote themselves to the practice are the Sangha.'" Dorje Chang Buddha said, "This series embodies the principles of refraining from evil, practicing good, understanding cause and effect, and the equality of all phenomena. It is immensely meritorious. However, it is too rough and only covers about one percent of the Buddha's life, teachings, and the deeds of his disciples. After all, it is just a TV show and cannot include everything. I think it is incomplete." I agreed with Dorje Chang Buddha's assessment. For example, in the series, when Shakyamuni Buddha's body was being cremated, the fire would not ignite until Mahakasyapa arrived and paid homage to the Buddha. Only then did the incense wood spontaneously ignite. It was not set on fire by human hands. Additionally, the Buddha's relics were said to have been enshrined in 84,000 stupas by the order of King Ashoka, but this was not mentioned in the series. The constant opposition from the demon Mara was also not mentioned. Dorje Chang Buddha said, "After all, it is just a TV show. It is impossible to include so much content. It is already good enough. It is beneficial to everyone. As a monastic, in addition to observing the precepts of the Buddha, you must understand the true meaning of the Buddhist Sangha. Let me briefly explain the meaning of the Buddhist Sangha to you: The ability to awaken is the use of true emptiness, wisdom, and skillful means. To awaken and realize the state of non-creation and non-extinction is the Buddha. To uphold right mindfulness and right view and to practice the threefold training of faith, aspiration, morality, concentration, and wisdom is the Dharma. To renounce worldly attachments and become a monastic, to follow the rules and regulations of the Buddha, and to practice according to the teachings is the Sangha." After hearing this, I once again deeply felt the profound and sublime nature of Dorje Chang Buddha's teachings. After all, he is the original Buddha of this era, speaking the fundamental Dharma. Finally, I want to say that people may see me as being physically away from Dorje Chang Buddha's temple, but they are mistaken. I have never left. I have always been under the guidance of Dorje Chang Buddha, receiving teachings from him through his present awareness samadhi. I will forever be a Bhikkhuni disciple under the guidance of Dorje Chang Buddha, walking the path of enlightenment, being self-aware and benefiting others without following other paths. It is more accurate to say that I have finally gained the opportunity to rely on the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha to study the true Dharma for countless lifetimes. The joy and gratitude I have for this cannot be expressed in words! Ashamed, Bhikkhuni Zhenghui, May 5, 2018

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