


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Announcement No. 20160101

Recently, the International Buddhism Sangha Association received a letter from someone who signed as "A Guilty and Incompetent Buddhist Disciple". In the letter, you mentioned that some people are using the pretext of helping sentient beings increase their blessings, performing Buddhist activities, and building ancient Buddhist temples to promote "national assets" and engage in fraudulent activities. These kinds of actions will cause malicious individuals to slander H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche and tarnish his reputation.

The association has seen the letter from this Buddhist disciple who does not follow the teachings and is incompetent, and feels that this person is very pitiful. It is those of you who hold such dirty views that are polluting the Buddha. H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche's attitude has already been made public and is very clear. Why don't you use your eyes to read the announcements and your ears to listen to the Dharma teachings? After reading the announcements and listening to the Dharma teachings, why don't you understand the Buddha? Do you really think that Rinpoche is a bad person and that by slandering him, you are associating him with the fraudsters? How dare you doubt Rinpoche? This is extremely despicable! All Buddhist disciples are disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha. Why don't you doubt Shakyamuni Buddha? Unfortunately, in Rinpoche's "The Essence of the Heart Sutra" and the 128 points of Rinpoche's teachings, which one is not the true Dharma and right view? Open your eyes and compare Rinpoche's teachings below the Buddha statue. Are they the words and actions of a bad person or the words and actions of the Buddha? Be clear about this. H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche is a Buddha chosen by the Vajra Dharma Assembly. How can you treat the Buddha as more ordinary than ordinary people? Why would you throw dirty water on the Buddha? You don't listen to the Buddha's teachings. When the Buddha tells you to do good deeds, you don't do them. The announcements often remind you to benefit sentient beings and warn you about the many fraudsters. Yet, you still think that bad people and evil-doers are the same as Rinpoche. Of course, there are not only you, but also many people with such evil views who don't even know what they are doing. Think about it carefully. If there is pollution, the first one to be polluted is Shakyamuni Buddha, because these fraudsters are shouting under the banner of Buddhism. Is it Shakyamuni Buddha's fault that people don't follow the rules and don't do good and avoid evil? Is it H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche's fault? Rinpoche has already done his best to remind you in the Dharma teachings and in the announcements. Yet, you are protecting the fraudsters, changing the soup but not the medicine, and even if you are not associating with them, at least you have evil views. What do the words and actions of the fraudsters have to do with H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche? Rinpoche is against fraudulent teachers and strange powers, otherwise there wouldn't be so many Dharma teachings and so many announcements openly calling for everyone to deal with fraudulent teachers.

The views of H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche have already been clearly stated in the announcements. There are many fraudsters in society, so don't be deceived. You are constantly reminded to be vigilant against fraud and to expose it. You should expose these fraudsters, but you turn a deaf ear. When you hear about "national assets," you can immediately tell it's a trap set by fraudsters. Even if there really is a "national asset," if it involves international affairs, it is a matter for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to handle. How can people like you, who deceive and cheat in society, handle it?

If you do not follow the teachings of "Do no evil, practice all good," do not listen to the teachings of H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche, and do not practice according to the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, the law of cause and effect will follow you like a shadow! Good deeds will be rewarded, and evil deeds will be punished!!!

International Buddhism Sangha Association
June 5, 2016

International Buddhism Sangha Association
3134 22nd St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
Tel: (415)920-9816
Fax: (415)920-9836
Email: [email protected]
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