


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Announcement Announcement No. 20150105

A small ink painting by H.H. the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche, titled "Loquat," was sold for a high price of 10.2 million dollars at the New York Zhenguan International Autumn Auction held on September 12, 2015. This also set a new record for the world's highest auction price per square foot for an ink painting, reaching 1.7 million dollars. Many media outlets reported on this major news in a timely manner, including, China News Network, Xinhua News Agency, and People's Daily Online, among others. According to incomplete statistics, dozens of newspapers and nearly 300 websites reported on this news of the auction of H.H. the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche's ink painting reaching a historic high price.
For everyone's convenience, a few newspapers and news articles are attached below. Due to the inconvenience of printing on many websites, we have included links to some news articles in the attachment. Simply click to open the webpage for browsing.

International Buddhist Sangha Association
September 25, 2015

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