


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Announcement Announcement No. 20150102

We have received a letter from a Buddhist practitioner from mainland China who claims to be a servant of Tara. According to the content of the letter, she seems to have written with good intentions and respectfully praises the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche. She advises people to study the "Heart Sutra" and the "Great Liberation Seal." This is a virtuous and correct behavior, but considering that the person's understanding is not only incorrect but also evil, we will not disclose her name here. Due to her evil views, I must correct her understanding to help her correct her views and attain enlightenment early.

The content of the letter involves two aspects: one is exposing the misconduct of certain teachers, which we fully support as long as it is confirmed according to the 128 views; the other is the evil views expressed in the letter, which we do not support. Only the part mentioned in the letter about how she personally heard Tara's teachings is extremely evil. Therefore, we must tell all Buddhist disciples the following:

First, if the Green Tara appears in a dream or meditative state, it is illusory and not real. The Diamond Sutra says, "All phenomena are illusory." "If you see me through form or seek me through sound, you are walking the evil path and cannot see the Tathagata."

Second, if someone claims that a certain person in this world is Tara, then her claim is even more unfounded. Shakyamuni Buddha clearly stated in several sutras, "Bodhisattvas attain the five wisdoms." In other words, without the five wisdoms, one cannot be called a bodhisattva and is merely pretending to be one. Tara is an ancient Buddha, and the five wisdoms are naturally perfect and flawless. They are at a level that surpasses the expertise of fellow practitioners. Otherwise, how can they manifest Tara's wisdom beyond ordinary beings? So, I ask the person who wrote the letter, does your Tara comply with the precepts of Shakyamuni Buddha? How many wisdoms does she possess? To put it bluntly, the image of Tara should be an unparalleled dignified beauty. I don't know if the so-called Tara mentioned in the letter is an extraordinary and beautiful woman or an ordinary being with afflictions. Where are her five wisdoms? Where are her accomplishments? Can they be seen? Based on the level of the letter, it can be concluded that the self-proclaimed Tara is an ordinary layperson who is ignorant of the scriptures. Perhaps we have misunderstood the Tara mentioned in the letter, but the true level of a bodhisattva must be verified through self-prophesying and passing the examination at the International Buddhist Headquarters. There was once a great saint who had a dignified appearance and came to Huazang Temple. He sternly criticized many of our problems, displayed his supernatural powers, removed the statues and offering plaques of Sakya Tianjin and other Dharma Kings enshrined on the left side of the Mahavira Hall of Huazang Temple, and replaced them with the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara statue. The great saint said, "Since I have criticized you, I must show you who I am and prove that I have the right to rebuke your mistakes." He immediately asked us to arrange a self-prophesying examination for the great saint. The great saint immediately demonstrated the great wisdom and supernatural powers of the ancient Buddha and the awakened bodhisattva, revealing his true form of an awakened being and proving his true identity. All the monks present at Huazang Temple prostrated themselves and respectfully acknowledged him. Does the person who claims to be Tara dare to take the self-prophesying examination? Since she dares to claim to be an awakened bodhisattva, but is unwilling to face the examination, it can be imagined whether she is a layperson pretending to be a saint or someone who only knows how to boast and deceive others.

This letter praises Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, which is a good and virtuous act. However, it must be pointed out that there are many incorrect and evil views in the letter. It is true that those who receive the empowerment of the true Dharma must go through selection and approval by the main deity before receiving the inner empowerment and transmitting the great Dharma. However, if one does not study the announcements of the Office of the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and has incorrect views, their understanding will be wrong and evil. If one does not read the book "Behind the Birth of the Ancient Buddha" and does not understand the Buddha, the main deity will not agree to give the Dharma to such an evil person. If the Dharma is forcibly given to such a person, due to their incorrect understanding, the result of their practice will inevitably be demonic and harmful to sentient beings. Therefore, we once again announce to everyone that if you do not study and understand the announcements of the office and are not familiar with the book "Behind the Birth of the Ancient Buddha," dreaming of receiving the inner empowerment is just wishful thinking! The reason is simple: our association does not cultivate demonic and evil fraudsters, but only cultivates virtuous Buddhist disciples with correct understanding. The reason is that evil views will harm sentient beings. Taking this letter as an example, some of the views expressed are so evil and ignorant! For example, the letter says that Tara is "extremely angry." Shouldn't Tara, who has eliminated all ignorance and afflictions, be free from being angered by ignorance? The letter also says, "Tara will ask the Dragon Heaven Protector to enforce the law, and the consequences will be borne by herself!!!" Tara is the king of compassion. Would she do such a thing? Moreover, Tara's extraordinary wisdom and conduct can accomplish anything. Does she need to ask the Dragon Heaven Protector for help? It is truly ignorant! You evil and pitiful beings have reached such a state! None of you, as ignorant beings with unfulfilled afflictions, are qualified to tie the shoelaces of one of Tara's attendants, even if there were a hundred of you!

As for the book "Behind the Birth of the Ancient Buddha," it doesn't matter who wrote it. What matters is whether it records facts, correct views, and the principles of the Dharma. Even if it was written by an evil outsider, as long as it conforms to correct views, the principles of the Buddha's teachings, and praises the Buddha, benefiting sentient beings, it is correct and we should read it. This shows that evil outsiders have turned away from evil and started to learn Buddhism. Isn't Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's attainment of the twelve links of dependent origination an example? They have turned away from evil and entered the right path, becoming great saints who teach correct views and the Dharma, liberating countless sentient beings. What great virtue! Moreover, Honglei layperson is not an outsider. It is like saying that if a living Buddha or Dharma King who upholds the correct teachings and practices has become evil and deceiving, we should not learn from them. It is the same principle.

For the sake of the true Dharma of the Tathagata and the benefit of sentient beings, the International Buddhist Sangha Association has decided to set up a debate platform in front of the statues of Amitabha Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva at the Three Saints Temple in Los Angeles, USA. We have invited a hundred high monks to witness the debate and see the truth. Our association does not need to use a butcher's knife to deal with your so-called Tara. We will only use the small knife of the Jueyu faction's Lama Lajin to debate with your so-called Tara. Lama Lajin has already made a public vow: it will only take two rounds to expose your true form as a demon or a fraud pretending to be a Tara. If it takes more than two rounds to defeat you, the humble Lajin will kneel and bow to you. If Lajin defeats you, the false Tara, in two rounds (of course, without harming your body), it is a great merit for you to praise H.H. the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche. Therefore, we do not have any intention to harm you. We only hope that you can correct your evil ways, truly learn Buddhism, be free from calamities and difficulties, and be eternally happy. We also hope that you can generate great repentance in your heart, and we are willing to do our best to help you, so that you can meet H.H. the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche in person as soon as possible, learn the true Dharma, and truly benefit sentient beings. Once again, it should be emphasized that the purpose of the debate is solely for sentient beings to learn the true Dharma of the Tathagata and to know where the true Dharma of the Tathagata is. Everything is for sentient beings to walk the right path and avoid falling into the hands of evil views, fraudsters, or ordinary beings, and to avoid falling into suffering. Venerable Longhui stated that he is always ready to meet in the debate arena to distinguish between truth and falsehood, evil and good, and to directly prove evil.

International Buddhism Sangha Association
March 10, 2015

International Buddhism Sangha Association
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