


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Announcement Announcement No. 20150101

Recently, the International Buddhist Sangha received a book that objectively explains the truth with facts. After reading it, the Sangha found it to be completely in accordance with right knowledge and right view. It is a very good Buddhist book. The book not only presents the facts in a righteous and pure manner, but also reveals the truth about H.H. the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche's selfless actions for the benefit of others, his endurance of humiliation, and his reluctance to disclose things that would benefit himself. The author has uncovered the truth about the relationship between the Buddha and evil people and has published it in this book. This Buddhist book contains facts, principles, teachings, and evidence, which prove the supreme greatness of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche and the Buddha's pure words, deeds, virtues, and wisdom. The Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche has also read this book and considers it a sacred Buddhist book. Every Buddhist disciple should study it, as it is one of the must-read Buddhist books, especially for any guru above the level of a hearing Dharma teacher. They should not only study it, but also understand, comprehend, and integrate its teachings. Since practitioners are listening to the Dharma teachings of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche, they should understand what kind of Buddha the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche is, whether he is a false Buddha or a true Buddha. They should also know what kind of person is capable of committing evil acts of slandering the Buddha. Even if those who slander the Rinpoche read this book, if they cannot generate repentance and remorse, they are no different from non-human animals! Therefore, everyone should buy a copy of this book. If you do not understand this book, it means you do not understand the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche. Therefore, the Sangha has decided not to receive or recommend anyone who has not read this book to receive empowerment and transmission of the Dharma.

This book is published by He Nian Publishing House and is titled "Behind the Birth of the Ancient Buddha". The author is Hong Lei. The book is available in both simplified and traditional Chinese versions. Those who wish to purchase this book can order it from the following online bookstores:

  • Kingstone (only the traditional Chinese version)
  • Bear Reads Books
  • Eslite

International Buddhist Sangha
January 30, 2015

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