


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Sincere Public Confession: Venerable Juehui

Sincere Public Confession

Greetings to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions!

I am Ven. Juehui, the Secretary of the International Buddhist Sangha Association. Today, I deeply repent for my foolish actions and transgressions. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet with the esteemed Rinpoche, His Holiness the Great Sage De Wangze. Rinpoche kindly advised me to reflect upon the compilation of announcements issued by the International Buddhist Sangha Association. I wondered if there was any problem with it. As I read and contemplated, I suddenly realized that there were serious transgressions in the compilation of announcements distributed by the International Buddhist Sangha Association during the "Third Great Dharma Assembly of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang" held in Hong Kong on March 23, 2014. Due to my ignorance and foolishness, I combined the content of announcements from the United Nations International Buddhist Headquarters, the International Buddhist Sangha Association, and the Dharma Sound Publishing House, as well as some reports from Rinpoche, into the compilation. This was a great insult to the office of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang. Such actions completely defiled H.H. the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang and his office. The office of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang is a great, pure, selfless, and luminous institution. The other three organizations and Rinpoche cannot be compared to it, as they all have their own problems to varying degrees. Although their intentions were for the benefit of all, they cannot reach the realm of boundless luminosity and benefiting sentient beings like the announcements from the office. The office's announcements are pure and solely for the benefit of sentient beings and others, while being strict and demanding on oneself. They never promote the awards and medals received by H.H. the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang. These announcements truly embody the words and actions of the Buddha. The other three organizations, their spiritual leaders, and Rinpoche are simply not qualified to be compiled together with the office of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang.

Today, I sincerely confess and repent for the acts of defiling the Buddha and the Dharma in front of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and all virtuous practitioners. I will never commit such foolish offenses again.

If any virtuous practitioners have a copy of this compilation, please separate and bind it immediately, and it should be respectfully offered to the office of the Buddha.

Namo the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang!
Namo all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions!

Ven. Juehui's sincere confession
November 23, 2014

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