


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Announcement - Statement by Lou Xiuqing

International Buddhist Sangha:

Recently, there have been rumors among Buddhist disciples about virtual currency business, and I have unknowingly helped spread these rumors. In fact, His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche has no knowledge of this matter, and I now feel deeply sorry and repentant. As a Buddhist disciple, I realize that I have a responsibility to tell everyone the truth that I have come to understand. Therefore, today I would like to ask the International Buddhist Sangha to help me forward the following statement. We should not create another set of falsehoods!

Wishing you all auspiciousness!
Buddhist disciple: Lou Xiuqing
September 29, 2014

Hello everyone!

Earlier, I heard from people involved in virtual currency business in various provinces in mainland China that His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche supports virtual currency. After hearing this, I also repeated it.

Recently, I had the opportunity to personally meet His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche, and I asked him about this matter. His Holiness said, "I only focus on everyone's practice, benefiting sentient beings, studying the Dharma, abstaining from all evil, and practicing all virtues! I do not engage in any business and I do not know what virtual currency is. If you legally engage in business and it increases your merit, I am happy. But I want to tell you: when doing business, you must abide by the law and never engage in actions that deceive sentient beings or harm their interests."

Therefore, I, Lou Xiuqing, solemnly declare that engaging in virtual currency is the business activity of the operators themselves, and no one is allowed to use the name of His Holiness the Third Dodrupchen Rinpoche to tell lies or engage in any business. Because the Buddha does not participate in business matters, please do not act foolishly and mislead sentient beings. Remember! Remember! Please inform each other!

This is my statement!
Lou Xiuqing

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