


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Statement Statement No. 20140101

Recently, layperson Cai Zhenmei wrote a letter to the International Buddhist Sangha, saying that she had sent eight boxes of items to be offered to H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche, and asked Ven. Juehui to present them to H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche. Ven. Juehui personally reported this matter to H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche, who sternly pointed out, "Didn't I repeatedly say that I don't accept any offerings? Why report it to me? Return the items!"

Cai Zhenmei had previously made several offerings, but H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche firmly refused to accept them. Cai Zhenmei herself was well aware that H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche does not accept any offerings. However, she suddenly wrote a letter to Ven. Juehui of the International Buddhist Sangha, saying that she had sent eight boxes for offering. Since she knew that H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche does not accept offerings, why did she intentionally do this? It is inappropriate for layperson Cai Zhenmei to offer her respects to H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche in this way. Knowing that H.H. the 3rd Dodrupchen Rinpoche will not accept them, Ven. Juehui will not act as an intermediary to receive them either. But layperson Cai Zhenmei still did it, which undoubtedly adds trouble to returning the items.

The eight boxes that layperson Cai Zhenmei sent to the post office have been refused by Ven. Juehui today, and the items will be returned. Layperson Cai Zhenmei, please refrain from doing this in the future, and please check the eight boxes of items that have been returned to you. Ven. Juehui has not seen what valuables are inside, nor has anyone else. They will be returned in their original packaging, please have the post office send them back.

In addition, regarding the two CDs that layperson Cai Zhenmei recently sang praising the Buddha, we listened to them and they were quite good. Layperson Cai Zhenmei can distribute them on her own, hoping that they will bring benefits to everyone. You can ask Cai Zhenmei for these CDs, as they should be helpful.

This is hereby explained by the International Buddhist Sangha
September 27, 2014

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