


International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association Announcement Announcement No. 20140108

Recently, we received a letter reporting that some individuals are impersonating fake international Buddhist monks and nuns certified by the Holy Virtue Group of the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association, as well as search teams for the recognition of Rinpoche and reincarnations. These certified individuals have no qualifications or practice. This is a deceptive and fraudulent behavior. After investigating, we will hold those responsible legally accountable for this fraud.

We hereby announce that anyone holding a certification from the search team for Rinpoche and reincarnations of the Holy Virtue Group of the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association must promptly email the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association for verification. Please provide your secular name, Dharma name, date of birth, and place of birth to verify whether the certification you hold is genuine or fake, and whether you are a fake Rinpoche or reincarnation. Once we verify that you hold a fake certification from the search team for Rinpoche and reincarnations of the Holy Virtue Group of the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association, we will publicly announce it so that the world knows that the person who certified you is a fraud and you have been deceived. If necessary, we will publish the list of certified Rinpoches from the search team for Rinpoche and reincarnations of the Holy Virtue Group of the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association online for the public to verify and prevent further deception. If your name is not on the list and you hold a certification from the search team for Rinpoche and reincarnations of the Holy Virtue Group of the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association, it means that your certification is fake and both the disciple and the teacher who claimed to help you obtain the certification are engaged in fraudulent activities. Because the certification you hold is forged, you are not a genuine living Buddha certified by the Holy Virtue Group of the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association.

Furthermore, if you suspect someone of engaging in such activities, please report it to the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association to prevent others from being deceived.

This announcement is made by the International Buddhist Monks and Nuns Association on September 22, 2014.

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