


"Greetings and welcome to the ceremony of the birth of the Third Incarnation of the Great Dajieqiang Buddha. Speeches by Venerable Zhai Mang and Reverend Zheng Da will be held on June 11th and 12th, 2022."

On June 11th and 12th, 2022, for two consecutive days, Shengji Temple, together with Huazang Temple, Charity Temple, and ten other temples, held a solemn and grand "Celebration of the Birth of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang" ceremony at the Sheraton Hotel in San Gabriel, California. The ceremony was auspicious and successful. In response to the request of Buddhist disciples, we are now releasing the speeches of Venerable Zhai Mang and Master Zhengda, for everyone's understanding.

Speech by Master Zhengda:

Namo the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang, Namo the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha,
Namo all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Mahasattvas in the ten directions.

Respected guests, virtuous ones, Buddhist practitioners, and devotees, may you have auspiciousness and good fortune!

Today, Buddhist disciples from all over the world have come to the United States to participate in the celebration of the birth of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang. However, the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang's compassionate teacher and the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha have entered Nirvana, returning to the Pure Land of the Buddha, carrying the karmic burdens of all disciples, including us, and all sentient beings. The heavens and the earth weep.

On the eve of the birth of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang, we sincerely repent our ignorance and karmic obstacles since beginningless time, and earnestly pray for the swift return of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang and the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha to this world, to save us, the disciples burdened with karmic obstacles, and all suffering sentient beings.

During the previous birth of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang, the teacher taught us: "You should transform all congratulations into recitation and prayers for the prosperity and peace of the country, world peace, the well-being and happiness of all people in all countries, and abundant harvests. You should make vows and put them into practice, refrain from doing evil, and do good deeds, actually help others, benefit others. You should cultivate your own conduct, listen to the Dharma, and not believe in feudal superstitions or supernatural powers; what Buddhism emphasizes is the understanding of cause and effect. Therefore, you should cultivate good causes through practice and benefit all sentient beings."

The above is part of what the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang taught us. We must listen to the teachings of the compassionate teacher, refrain from doing evil, do good deeds, be genuine practitioners and disciples of the Buddha, listen to the Dharma, understand cause and effect, and benefit all sentient beings.

Therefore, today we gather here to repent and practice the "Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Dharma," sincerely repenting our ignorance and karmic obstacles since beginningless time, devoutly paying homage and praising all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and dedicating the celebration of the birth of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang. We respectfully pray to the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang, the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva for the fulfillment of the Bodhi vows of all beings.

First vow: We sincerely pray for the swift return of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang and the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha, to save us, the disciples burdened with karmic obstacles, and all suffering sentient beings.

Second vow: May there be favorable weather and peace in all countries, social harmony, national prosperity, freedom from epidemics, and world peace.

Third vow: May all faithful believers in the ten directions have the opportunity to hear the teachings of the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang, attain the true Dharma of the Buddha, achieve liberation; may the attendees, devotees, and their families have their karmic obstacles eliminated, their blessings and wisdom increased, and enjoy peace, happiness, health, and longevity, and attain enlightenment early.

Namo the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang,
Namo the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha,
Namo all Buddhas, Buddha Mothers, Vajras, and all Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas,
We respectfully pay homage to all heavenly protectors, Dharmapalas, Mahasattvas, and all deities.

Now, the ceremony officially begins.

Speech by Venerable Zhai Mang (part one):

Namo the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang!
Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!
Namo the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha!
Namo all Buddhas, Vajras, Bodhisattvas, Dharmapalas!

Respected Buddhist disciples!

The Buddha descended to the world due to a great cause and condition, which is to reveal and demonstrate the Buddha's knowledge, to awaken sentient beings to the Buddha's knowledge, and ultimately to attain the Buddha's knowledge. However, in the past two thousand years, due to the different cultivation levels of the patriarchs and the deliberate destruction by the demonic disciples, Buddhism has fallen into sectarian biases. Especially in the past hundred years, the actual manifestation of Buddhism has been rare. However, in this Dharma-ending period, the great Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang descended to the world, bringing us the essence and quantity of the Buddha Dharma, which is supremely equal, pure, and free from sectarian views. We are fortunate to be able to witness, hear, and personally receive the great teachings directly transmitted by the Buddha. Therefore, we must not only follow the teachings of the Buddha, observe precepts, practice cultivation, and attain liberation, but also uphold and promote the Buddha Dharma of the great Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang, never deceive the public, and benefit all sentient beings with the Four Immeasurable Minds and Bodhicitta. We should be aware of ourselves and then awaken others, and pray to the great Buddha and Buddha Mother to return to this world as soon as possible, to save us, these disciples burdened with karma, and all suffering and ignorant sentient beings!

Speech by Venerable Zhai Mang (part two):

Namo the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang!
Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!
Namo the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha!
Namo all Buddhas, Vajras, Bodhisattvas, Dharmapalas!

All Buddhist disciples!

The Buddha descended to the world for a great cause and condition, which is to reveal the Buddha's knowledge, demonstrate the Buddha's knowledge, awaken sentient beings to the Buddha's knowledge, and finally attain the Buddha's knowledge. However, in the past two thousand years, due to the different cultivation levels of the patriarchs and the deliberate destruction by the demonic disciples, Buddhism has fallen into sectarian biases. Especially in the past hundred years, the actual manifestation of Buddhism has been rare. However, in this Dharma-ending period, the great Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang descended to the world, bringing us the essence and quantity of the Buddha Dharma, which is supremely equal, pure, and free from sectarian views. We are fortunate to be able to witness, hear, and personally receive the great teachings directly transmitted by the Buddha. Therefore, we must not only follow the teachings of the Buddha, observe precepts, practice cultivation, and attain liberation, but also uphold and promote the Buddha Dharma of the great Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang, never deceive the public, and benefit all sentient beings with the Four Immeasurable Minds and Bodhicitta. We should be aware of ourselves and then awaken others, and pray to the great Buddha and Buddha Mother to return to this world as soon as possible, to save us, these disciples burdened with karma, and all suffering and ignorant sentient beings!

In view of the arising conditions today, we have brought the Bodhi Vajra Pill that the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang cultivated when he performed the Bodhi Vajra Seed Empowerment for some disciples. Regarding the Bodhi Vajra Seed Empowerment, the Buddha has specific teachings, which I believe you have already heard. This Bodhi Vajra Pill has great blessings, and after the ceremony, each person will receive two pills. This is also to ensure that everyone who participates in this ceremony receives double the benefits of the Dharma.

In conclusion, I wish all the participants of this ceremony and all sentient beings to increase their right views, gain benefits from their conduct, and achieve blessings and wisdom, ultimately attaining great liberation and accomplishment! I wish the country prosperity and strength, the people happiness and well-being, and world peace. May all sentient beings be auspicious!

Finally, let us pay homage again to

Namo the Third Noble Dharma King Dorje Chang!
Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!
Namo the Queen Mother of Jade Flower Longevity Buddha!
Namo all Buddhas, Vajras, Bodhisattvas, Dharmapalas!


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