


"International Daily" March 10, 2000: The exhibition of the great master Yi Yun Gao, a great virtue and cloud, held in Taiwan, is highly respected by the Chinese for his comprehensive achievements.

Explanation of the "Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha" Buddha Name#

On April 3, 2008, the book "The Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha" published by the Global Buddhist Publishing House and the World Dharma Sound Publishing House held a solemn and grand launching ceremony at the Library of Congress in the United States. The Library of Congress officially collected this book, and it was then that people learned that the highly respected Master Yi Yun Gao and the Venerable Yeshe Norbu, who had always been respected by everyone, were recognized by the leaders or regents of the major Buddhist sects and certified by the living Buddhas. He is the third generation incarnation of the Buddha Dorje Chang, and his Buddha name is the Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha. Since then, people have been calling him "Namo Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha". This is similar to before Shakyamuni Buddha became a Buddha, his name was Prince Siddhartha, but after Shakyamuni Buddha became a Buddha, he changed his name to "Namo Shakyamuni Buddha". Therefore, we now say "Namo Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha". In particular, on December 12, 2012, the United States Senate Resolution No. 614 officially named the Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha as His Holiness (H.H. Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha). Since then, the title of Namo Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha has been officially established. Moreover, the Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha is also the legally recognized name by the government, and the previous names of "Yi Yun Gao" and the titles of Master and Supreme Dharma King no longer exist. However, this news was published before the announcement of the Buddha name of the Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha, and at that time people did not yet know the true identity of the Buddha. Therefore, in order to respect the truth of history, we still retain the names used before the official naming of the Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha in the news. But everyone should be clear that except for the name of H.H. Third Generation Dorje Chang Buddha, which is legal, the names used before the official naming no longer exist.

March 10, 2000, Friday
International Daily News

A Great Virtuous Master - Master Yi Yun Gao#

Holds an Exhibition in Taiwan, His All-round Achievements Highly Respected by the Chinese#

According to news from California, USA, the California State Government and the San Francisco City Government announced yesterday (March 8th) as Master Yi Yun Gao Day to recognize the all-round outstanding achievements of Master Yi Yun Gao in the fields of painting, calligraphy, medicine, and Buddhism, which are highly respected in the Buddhist and artistic communities across the Taiwan Strait. This honor is unprecedented in American society and can be regarded as the glory of the East and the pride of the Chinese.

Master Yi Yun Gao studied the esoteric Buddhism in his youth in mainland China and achieved a high level of realization. He also had outstanding achievements in calligraphy, painting, medicine, and other fields. In 1995, he was awarded the certificate of a top-level international master by the World Poets Cultural Congress composed of representatives from 48 countries, in recognition of his all-round achievements and great contributions to the world. The Chinese government also built a master's hall for him as part of the national administrative system, showing the highest respect to him.

California Governor Davis and San Francisco Mayor Brown, in recognition of Master Yi Yun Gao's all-round outstanding achievements in Buddhism, science, ethics, and morality, as well as his selfless contributions to humanity, specially designated March 8th as Master Yi Yun Gao Celebration Day.

Disciples of Master Yi Yun Gao in Taiwan pointed out that Master Yi Yun Gao is a great virtuous master with true talent and learning. He is a well-known scholar and artist in modern times. His achievements in meticulous and freehand landscape, flowers, figures, and animals painting have reached the pinnacle. In the field of Buddhist studies and Buddhism, he has also reached a superior level. His meticulously developed Biyu Chun and Bawang Chun green teas have been rated as top-grade teas. It is worth mentioning that he is also highly skilled and accomplished in medicine. He can be described as a legendary figure with all-round abilities.

Master Yi Yun Gao has held exhibitions in Taiwan as a painter and calligrapher and has been highly recognized in the art world. Yesterday, Taiwanese and Chinese people in California wanted to congratulate him, but he could not be found. It has been confirmed that he is not in California, USA.

Image: Master Yi Yun Gao, who was honored as "Master Yi Yun Gao Day" by the California State Government and the San Francisco City Government.

2000-03-10 International Daily News

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