


Office of the Third Dzogchen Pema Khandro, Announcement No. 63

After the announcement of the news that the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche and the Buddha Mother have taken on the karma of sentient beings and entered into nirvana, people from all over the world are grieving, and Buddhist disciples are praying wholeheartedly, hoping that the Buddha and the Buddha Mother can return to the human realm and save us suffering sentient beings.

As expected, some fraudulent individuals have also started their performances. In order to prevent the public from being deceived, the Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche has issued the following announcement:

  1. All expenses for this Buddhist event are personally funded by the King of the Golden Pagoda and the Mahārāja. The two kings have not entrusted any organization or individual to raise funds or solicit donations, and they do not accept any offerings or donations! Not a single penny!

  2. The King of the Golden Pagoda will preside over this Buddhist event, and the King himself will personally handle all matters. There is no one else acting on behalf of the King. If the King wants you to handle something on his behalf, he will definitely talk to you in person or inform you personally over the phone. Anyone who claims to be acting on behalf of the King, informing or handling any matters, is fake! They are deceiving people! You must verify with the Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche.

  3. All the teachings of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche can be found in audio recordings, written texts, and published scriptures. They are contained within the 128 points of knowledge. Some individuals, taking advantage of the grief and urgency of Buddhist disciples, create opportunities for fame and fortune for themselves by claiming that the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche or the Buddha Mother privately told them something, instructed them to do something, or that they have to do something for the Buddha and the Buddha Mother. All of these claims are unreliable! They are deceiving people! Often, they are excuses used to deceive others for personal gain. Everyone must be clear about this, otherwise, if you are deceived, it will be too late to regret!

  4. There are also individuals who, in order to elevate themselves, actually claim that the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche said in the "XX Sutra" that he would leave the Saha world. They are slandering the Buddha just to boast and deceive the public! They are completely filled with negative karma! The Buddha's actions are unknown even to great bodhisattvas, so how can a sinful sentient being know? Let me ask you another question, if you know when the Buddha entered nirvana, do you know when you will die? Let me make it clear to everyone, such people do not understand the Dharma, and they lack compassion. They don't even have the basic virtues of kindness, devotion, and gratitude towards the Buddha and the Buddha Mother. All they have are obstacles! If these individuals continue to spread rumors and slander, they will not be allowed to enter the Holy Temple! If Buddhist disciples believe their words and follow them, they will only accumulate negative karma and hinder their liberation.

  5. It is appropriate for the public to pray for the return of the Buddha and the Buddha Mother to the human realm and to engage in acts of liberation and good deeds. The two kings have personally funded acts of liberation, but they have not organized others to do so, nor have they raised funds for acts of liberation! If your organization, group, or individual wishes to engage in acts of liberation or any good deeds, you must organize them properly, in a lawful and proper manner, and prevent anyone from taking advantage of the situation to deceive others!

  6. Only the announcements from the Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche are the true, reliable, and correct sources of information.

Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche
February 9, 2022

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