


Office of the Third Dzogchen Pema Kalsang Rinpoche Announcement No. 62

On January 1, 2022, at the residence of the Buddha in Las Vegas, USA, the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III spoke to sentient beings about the harm of greed. After the Buddha's teachings, the Buddha Mother saw the fresh flowers offered by the disciples in the altar and gave a sermon, saying that offering flowers should be done with utmost sincerity. The flowers offered to the Buddha should be primarily peonies, orchids, sunflowers, and lotus flowers. Other flowers, such as peonies, should not be used for offering. After the Buddha Mother's sermon, she blessed each disciple present with a vajra pill and announced that she would bear the karma of sentient beings.

On the evening of January 4th, the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III gathered the disciples and said, "In this Dharma-ending Age, the karmic burden of sentient beings is too heavy and getting worse. The Buddha Mother alone cannot bear it. This time, I will share this heavy karma with the Buddha Mother and enter into closed-door cultivation starting tomorrow. During this period, I will not see you. As long as each of you practices according to the Dharma, you will attain accomplishment."

Later, disciple Zhai Mang traveled from another place to pay respects to the Buddha at the residence in Las Vegas. The Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III said to him, "Zhai Mang, in this Dharma-ending Age, the karmic burden of sentient beings is too heavy. When I say I will bear their karma, it is not an empty statement. Bearing karma does not mean entering into meditative concentration, but actually taking action to relieve the suffering of sentient beings. I and the Buddha Mother have said and done this. We must always think of bringing auspiciousness, peace, happiness, and harmony to sentient beings and the world, even if it means giving everything, even our lives. I have brought the true Dharma to this world. Everyone should practice according to the Liberation Great Dharma Seal and the True Meaning of the Sutra of Mindfulness Samadhi. You will definitely attain liberation. That's it. I hope all sentient beings are happy."

Since then, the Buddha has not publicly spoken again, except for instructing the Dharma King Jinba and the Mahasiddha King Mopa. For nearly a month, the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III and the Buddha Mother bore the karma of sentient beings and showed signs of illness. In the past few decades, the Buddha often bore the karma of sentient beings for a month or two, showing signs of severe illness. But once the karma was borne, the Buddha instantly became energetic and returned to normal. In one second, the Buddha went from being a seriously ill patient to a healthy and strong person. The disciples around him were used to this. However, this time, the disciples did not wait for the Buddha and the Buddha Mother to return to the human realm. The Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III and the Buddha Mother peacefully entered nirvana and returned to the Pure Land.

The Supreme Founder Buddha of the Dharmadhatu, the First Teacher of the Dharma Realm, the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III, came for the benefit of sentient beings and left for the benefit of sentient beings. All his actions are for the benefit of sentient beings. He is always pure and selfless. All disciples of the Buddha should be grateful for the great compassion of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III and the Buddha Mother, sincerely repent their own sins, and pray for the return of the Buddha and the Buddha Mother.

Among all the Buddhas in the Dharma Realm, Dorje Chang Buddha is the original and first Buddha with a physical form. He is the only supreme leader of Buddhism in the entire universe, spreading the Dharma throughout the universe. Therefore, all the Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas who learn from Dorje Chang Buddha's Dharma and practice attain liberation and ultimately become Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas. Dorje Chang Buddha is the progenitor of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. As for Universal Worthy Tathagata, he is the Dharmakaya Buddha who has attained the complete realization of Dorje Chang Buddha and has no physical form. The words and actions of Dorje Chang Buddha are the guidelines and rules for the practice of all beings in the universe, both holy and ordinary. To assist Shakyamuni Buddha, the Second Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha Vimalakirti, with supreme wisdom and boundless supernatural powers, taught the small vehicle arhats to become great vehicle Bodhisattvas who liberate sentient beings. Countless sentient beings have been liberated.

Since the advent of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha III in the human world, he has set numerous unprecedented records in history. He is the first Buddha in history to be recognized and congratulated by the highest-level Dharma kings and regents. He is the first ancient Buddha to be recognized with the highest certified status. In the past thousands of years, no one has achieved what he has achieved. Dorje Chang Buddha's artistic creations cannot be replicated by anyone. They are the first art that cannot be copied in history. Dorje Chang Buddha is the first Buddha who benefits others without accepting offerings. He has shown the most miracles among all the Buddhas in history. Dorje Chang Buddha is the only one who has the fastest method for disciples to attain enlightenment within two hours, the Great Perfection of the Present Manifestation. Dorje Chang Buddha's disciples have achieved the most, whether they pass away in a rainbow body like the Dharma King Dzogchen Pema Rigdzin, attain freedom in life and death like the great layman Wang Lingze, or have an incorruptible body like Venerable Puguan and Elder Wuming. Many disciples who follow Dorje Chang Buddha have achieved liberation. The examples listed here are just a few.

Dorje Chang Buddha has transmitted the Dharma to his disciples, and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva comes to pick them up at a designated time, even visible to non-Buddhists, such as when the Buddha's disciple Zhao Yusheng was picked up by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. Dorje Chang Buddha also sets the achievement time for disciples. After the disciples visit the Pure Land to see it, they return to the human realm and ascend at the designated time, such as the Buddha's disciples Hou Yushan and Lin Liuhuixiu. There are countless disciples who have followed Dorje Chang Buddha and achieved liberation. These are just a few examples.

Dorje Chang Buddha has been benefiting sentient beings since coming to this world, always considering the welfare of others, humble and approachable. Dorje Chang Buddha's compassion and kindness are pure and flawless. For example, in 2015, a person broke into the United States International Art Museum in San Francisco and stole a work of art that had been praised by UNESCO. The thief was caught on the spot and imprisoned. Since the stolen artwork was a masterpiece created by Dorje Chang Buddha, the court repeatedly asked Dorje Chang Buddha to provide the value of the artwork for sentencing. When Dorje Chang Buddha learned about the thief's difficulties, he submitted a statement stating that the artwork was ordinary and had no value. The court could not sentence the thief, so he was released. Another example is when Dorje Chang Buddha saved a butterfly that fell into the water, he was concerned about its well-being and brought it back home to care for it before releasing it. Dorje Chang Buddha leads everyone in continuously releasing animals. Every week, he goes to parks or forests to feed ducks, birds, etc. without interruption, and he uses his own money, never accepting offerings from disciples. Dorje Chang Buddha is known for his diligence and frugality. For decades, the esteemed Dorje Chang Buddha has been doing his own laundry and cooking, never relying on others. Leftover food must be saved and eaten the next day or the day after, never wasted. Even leftover water, water used for washing vegetables and hands, and filtered water are collected and used to water plants and flush toilets. The great Dorje Chang Buddha teaches us through his actions to start with small things, cherish our blessings, and practice diligently. Dorje Chang Buddha's deeds are truly inexhaustible. Wherever Dorje Chang Buddha goes, dragons protect him, and signs of holiness, transmission of the Dharma, and manifestation of reality appear. For example, in Antelope Canyon, Dorje Chang Buddha's hat turned into a golden-winged bird. In New Jersey, Dorje Chang Buddha's hair floated, locking a building in Manhattan. In San Francisco, a double-ring Buddha light centered on Dorje Chang Buddha suddenly appeared where he stood. Dorje Chang Buddha's compassion and morality influence everyone he encounters.

Now, Dorje Chang Buddha and the Buddha Mother have sacrificed their lives for the lives and happiness of sentient beings. The great saints say that we should learn from Dorje Chang Buddha and the Buddha Mother, not only refraining from doing evil and practicing good, but also listening respectfully to Dorje Chang Buddha's teachings and using them to examine our own words and actions. We must make Dorje Chang Buddha's teachings our own and practice them sincerely. Only then can we become morally upright and compassionate individuals and ultimately become liberated saints. More importantly, we must pass on the teachings of Dorje Chang Buddha from generation to generation, so that people in the world can learn Dorje Chang Buddha's teachings, serve others, and liberate themselves, ultimately achieving liberation for all.

Homage to our teacher, the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha!

Homage to Shakyamuni Buddha, the World Buddhist Leader of the Saha World!

Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions!

Office of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha
February 6, 2022

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