


Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche Announcement No. 61

In the past two days, some malicious individuals have impersonated students of the third incarnation of the Great Dharma King, Dorje Chang Buddha III, and used evil means to sabotage Buddhist practice. Among the numerous Dharma teachings, Dorje Chang Buddha III has repeatedly emphasized the correct methods of studying and practicing Buddhism: All phenomena are governed by cause and effect. As you sow, so shall you reap. Good deeds bring good rewards, while evil deeds bring evil consequences. Buddhism is based on compassion and benefiting sentient beings. May all sentient beings be free from suffering and attain happiness and auspiciousness. However, it is essential to put these teachings into practice, step by step. We must absolutely stay away from feudal superstitions and erroneous beliefs. From the beginning of our Buddhist practice, we must adhere to the principles of abstaining from evil, practicing good, and cultivating right understanding and right view based on the scientific Buddhist concept of cause and effect. We must never confuse this with feudal superstitions or the claims of charlatans and sorcerers. We must never be contaminated by doctrines that violate the principle of cause and effect. These malicious individuals with ulterior motives have spread false claims to undermine our correct understanding and view of the Buddhist scientific principles. They spread rumors such as "To attain the blessings and achievements of the great holy virtue, one must turn on the computer and watch Hong Kong satellite TV for two hours from 7 am to 9 am." This evil rumor goes against the teachings of the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha and Shakyamuni Buddha. Practice is a lifelong endeavor. How can achievements be obtained by watching two hours of TV from 7 am to 9 am? It is truly ignorant and superstitious nonsense! You must understand the Dharma teachings of the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha correctly. Abstain from evil, practice good, and understand that every cause leads to a result, bit by bit. We must not only love all human beings but also love all sentient beings on this Earth. May everyone be free from disasters and difficulties and be happy and fulfilled. This is what we, as Buddhists, should first cultivate in our hearts and actions.

Office of Dorje Chang Buddha III
December 8, 2021

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