


Office of the Third Dordje Qiang Buddha Announcement No. 60

The office hereby announces the statement of the Third Dharma King, Dorje Chang Buddha III, as follows:

The World Buddhist Headquarters' announcement of the "Grand Empowerment" event has led some people to misunderstand. Yesterday, many people approached me seeking the empowerment of the Dharma King. I have repeatedly made it clear to everyone that the title "Third Dharma King, Dorje Chang Buddha III" is just my name, and I am a practitioner who is as humble as everyone else. Do not mistake the Buddhist activities of "Grand Empowerment" as being associated with me. The "Supreme Holy King Empowerment of the Dharmadhatu" mentioned in your headquarters' announcement is the crown jewel among the eighty-four thousand Dharma doors. There is no other Dharma that can compare to it. Even in this lifetime, I have not had the fortune and karmic affinity to receive the empowerment of the Holy King. Moreover, how many conventional Buddhists truly practice with genuine devotion? I must say that in today's world, some great Dharma Kings, venerables, and masters with ordinary constitutions do not have a problem with holding this Dharma. It is just that they have never even heard of the name of this Dharma, let alone those great Dharma Kings who have truly transformed themselves and attained the holy body, such as Poshan Zunzhe, Yinchang Zunzhe, Wangzha Shangzun, and Kaichu Jiaozun. Without your announcement, they would not even know the name of the Holy King Empowerment. Of course, Buddhas are enlightened beings who have attained realization through cultivation. As long as there are sincere and devoted individuals, receiving the empowerment is easy. It is all due to the blessings and merits of the Buddhas. However, one should not engage in Buddhist activities without proper qualifications. Regardless, I will reiterate a few points: it is essential to practice according to the "Great Liberation Mudra" as taught online. By practicing this, one can achieve liberation and accomplishment in conjunction with any authentic and holy Buddhist Dharma. Additionally, I am deeply grateful and ashamed for everyone's celebration of my birthday. I will pray and bless everyone. Thank you.

Office of the Third Dharma King, Dorje Chang Buddha III
June 17, 2021

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