


Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche Announcement No. 59

When a disciple of the Buddha heard the Dharma voice of the Third Supreme Dharma King Dorje Chang, he did not understand the sentence "There are also typos in the book 'The True Meaning of the Heart Sutra'." The disciple mistakenly understood that there were errors in 'The True Meaning of the Heart Sutra' and even said that the Buddha himself said that there were errors in 'The True Meaning of the Heart Sutra'. This is truly a sin! Now everyone, please remember that the 'The True Meaning of the Heart Sutra' by the Third Supreme Dharma King Dorje Chang, the World Buddhist Pope, is absolutely flawless in its true meaning of the Dharma! It is unprecedented! It is supreme! It is pure and flawless! However, during the publishing and typing process, there were a few typographical errors, but fortunately, they did not harm the pure Dharma of the Buddha.

At the same time, some disciples of the Buddha compare the books and articles of ordinary beings with the teachings of the Buddha. This is simply like measuring the vast universe with a ruler and building a tower with mud on the high heavens. They truly do not know the immensity of heaven and earth, and the magnitude of their sins. The views of ordinary beings should be repented of immediately! Great Master Yin Chang said, "Some people dare to make unfounded comments on the teachings of my respected teacher, the Buddhist Pope Dorje Chang. These individuals are like newly hatched chicks with wet feathers. I ask this unfounded critic: Is your nature holy or ordinary? How heavy is the weight of the pestle? Just as the Vajra Master Wangzha said, 'My teacher, the Buddha, is supreme and unparalleled. How can we, as ordinary beings, dare to judge and discuss the Dharma? Moreover, we are ignorant and weak, still bound by worldly attachments, and should carefully practice and protect the Dharma.' The Vajra Master has already reached the level of the 30th Great Power King, and yet he humbles himself like this. Compared to him, you are far from reaching even one level, truly pitiful. What qualifications do you have to criticize the Buddha's teachings?"

Office of the Third Supreme Dharma King Dorje Chang
November 23, 2020

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