


Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche Announcement No. 56

Regarding the questions raised by everyone about reading the scriptures of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang and listening to the Dharma voice of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang, the office hereby announces the following:

First, any officially approved publications of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang's books, just like the scriptures of Shakyamuni Buddha, can be read and disseminated by anyone. Not only can you learn the true essence of authentic Buddhism, but you can also accumulate merits and benefit yourself and others. However, when reading and disseminating to others, remember not to make any mistakes. Even if one word is read incorrectly, there is a risk of losing the original intention, which will harm others and inevitably bear negative karma.

Second, the Dharma voice of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang, from history to the present, has never received any money. The International Buddhist Sangha Association has never given any money to the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang. The Third Dharma King Dorje Chang speaks the Dharma as a voluntary service. Every time the Buddha finishes speaking the Dharma, the International Buddhist Sangha Association takes away the Dharma voice. Therefore, everyone should go to the International Buddhist Sangha Association to respectfully request the Dharma voice and not make their own recordings. Even the staff in our office have to go to the International Buddhist Sangha Association to listen to the Dharma voice. The teachings of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang are based on principles, fairness, and impartiality. It is inevitable that some teachers or individuals who do not comply with the teachings will feel uncomfortable. They will cut out the parts that are unfavorable to themselves, re-edit them, and present them. In this way, the teachings of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang will lose their true meaning. People will not be able to discern whether they have been edited, and they will not be able to learn the true essence of Buddhism and achieve realization. Once the Dharma voice becomes chaotic, Dharma centers around the world will use the Dharma voice as evidence and request verification of its authenticity. Even if we work 24 hours a day without rest, it will take three to four months to verify a set of Dharma voice. It is impossible to verify countless sets of Dharma voice from all over the world. It may even take thousands of years to complete the verification. Therefore, the Dharma voice cannot be done by any other organization or individual, otherwise, it will not prevent malicious teachers with ulterior motives from editing the Dharma voice to serve their own interests. The Dharma voice of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang cannot be spread by anyone else through reading aloud because it has the same aforementioned problems. Moreover, the teachings of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang have blessings, and the Dharma voice read by anyone else does not have blessings. Therefore, you can only respectfully listen to the Buddha's Dharma voice at Dharma centers. This is to do our best to protect everyone from mistakenly hearing false Dharma voice and deviating from the right path, which would prevent them from achieving realization in their lifetime!

Office of the Third Dharma King Dorje Chang
June 7, 2020

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