


Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche Announcement No. 55

Someone asked: There is an "Internet of Things WeChat group" that claims to "lead everyone into the middle class". They are consulting whether Buddhists can participate in this business that benefits them?

The Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche has publicly stated multiple times: "I will not participate in any business advice. Legitimate and legal business is recognized by humanity as one of the legitimate ways of life. Buddhism does not prohibit doing business. However, you must remember that no matter what business you do, it must comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the government. If it is a legal and legitimate operation, it can be done. But as a Buddhist, there are things that cannot be done, such as killing, harming others for personal gain, or deceiving others. These are all violations of Buddhist precepts. Buddhists must not forget the fundamental principles, which are compassion as the foundation, abstaining from all evil, and practicing all that is good."

Based on this, the Office of the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche specially announces to all Buddhist disciples: Any business must comply with the local laws and regulations, and at the same time, it must abide by the precepts of Buddhism. As for what you mentioned about the "Internet of Things WeChat group", we do not understand it, so we do not support participation.

Office of the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche
November 10, 2019

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