


Office of the Third Dzogchen Pema Khandro, Announcement No. 54

The office of the Third Dujie Qiang Buddha received a report today that someone has been distributing the following message: "A rare opportunity (not official from Yibao) [send] huge discounts to save money without spending money, everyone knows that Yibao tiles come from the five wisdoms of the Buddha, [send][send] wherever the tiles are, they form an indestructible karmic connection with the Buddha. During the special discount period, everyone can participate in promoting and introducing Yibao tiles. Wherever you introduce Yibao tiles, you will form an indestructible karmic connection with the Buddha. May all practitioners, whether themselves or their children and relatives, use Yibao tiles when decorating their houses [blessing]. May they be auspicious and joyful [circle], and may people all over the world use the international brand Yibao tiles [blessing]. Everyone should have such a wish, because Yibao tiles are truly the exquisite "treasure" that can only be enjoyed by sentient beings when the Buddha is present in the world. Let Yibao tiles spread all over the world. Yibao tiles have production bases in the United States, Japan, South Korea, the Middle East, and Australia, allowing people all over the world to use environmentally friendly international brand Yibao tiles [blessing]. The opportunity is here [trembling], it's right in front of us [angry], there is a huge discount activity, order and pay four months in advance, deliver four months later, and return your full deposit after one year [send][send][send], which means you can enjoy the tiles without spending any money [yeah]. It's an exciting moment that is rare in a thousand years [tears]. Everyone can quickly forward and spread the good news to bring benefits to more people [send]. Please introduce the good news to relatives and friends who are engaged in decoration and construction projects, real estate, both domestically and internationally [send][send][send]. Orders start at 10,000 yuan and there is no upper limit, whether it's millions, tens of millions, or billions [send][send][send]. The full payment will be returned after one year without any deduction. For inquiries about the special benefits, please contact the initiator at 15642238160. Good news keeps coming in the Dharma category. Individuals or teams, please refer to the Dharma. [Heart Sutra speaks the truth], [Dujie Qiang Buddha's treasure book], [Buddhist learning], etc. Pay in advance four months, deliver four months later, and return the money in full after 12 months. The minimum order must be 10,000 yuan (teams can have multiple people). This can effectively help practitioners with limited resources. You can use the Dharma to establish a connection with temples and practice centers. For Buddhist disciples or beginners... For inquiries, please contact 15642238160."

Regarding the dissemination of the impure speech and actions mentioned above, the office of the Third Dujie Qiang Buddha must announce to everyone that this is undoubtedly a fraudulent scheme!

First of all, Yibao tiles are indeed designed by the Third Dujie Qiang Buddha, and they are extremely exquisite decorative building materials. However, since the introduction of Yibao tiles until now, the Third Dujie Qiang Buddha has not received a single penny in design fees!!! Nor has he made any profit!!! The Third Dujie Qiang Buddha selflessly contributed Yibao tiles to all sentient beings, allowing everyone to enjoy beauty. The selfless brightness of the Third Qiang Buddha is in stark contrast to the greed and deceit of these people, allowing everyone to clearly understand the greatness and purity of the Buddha.

At the same time, for those consumers who want to purchase Yibao tiles, we advise you to make rational purchases based on your personal preferences and income, according to legal pricing and commercial rules, and choose tiles that suit your needs. The person in charge of Yibao Tiles Company explicitly stated to our office today that the company has never had a practice of returning deposits. For scammers and bad people who deceive others under the name of Yibao tiles, they will be held legally responsible, and we remind everyone to think: if they are so generous, why do they still require a deposit? Why not follow the example of the Third Dujie Qiang Buddha and give the goods to everyone without charge? Do you think these impure people will return your deposit? What are their intentions?

Secondly, the Third Dujie Qiang Buddha has never charged a penny for any Dharma speech or Dharma texts. This is a fact that Buddhist disciples are aware of. If what we say is false, we are willing to bear legal responsibility! Moreover, buying Dharma speeches and Dharma texts at a certain price is itself a blasphemy and insult to Buddhism. As for Buddhist books officially published and distributed by publishing houses, they must be purchased from the publishing house or bookstore according to the publisher's pricing. This is the legal and non-deceptive way.

Therefore, everyone should be particularly vigilant and stay away from those who use the name of Buddhism to engage in fraudulent activities.

Office of the Third Dujie Qiang Buddha
June 10, 2019

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