


Office of the Third Dzogchen Pema Khandro, Announcement No. 53

"Request for clarification" consultation is from Master Zhengfa. The original letter is attached below. The matters mentioned in the letter may seem trivial, but in fact, they are an attempt to slander and deceive by falsely accusing the Third Dharma Master of Nanwu Qiangfo. Therefore, it is necessary to publicly alert everyone.

The incident originated from someone who wanted to use the sponsorship funds accumulated by the Third Dharma Master of Nanwu Qiangfo. Little did they know that their words and actions were slandering and defaming the Third Dharma Master of Nanwu Qiangfo. This ordinary person spread lies to the public, claiming that Nanwu Qiangfo missed the Grand Master's Hall, and therefore, she was preparing to build a Grand Master's Hall in the United States. Later, her misguided accomplices realized that things were not going well and changed their plans to continue deceiving the public by claiming to build something beautiful in their hometown. On the surface, this may seem like a well-intentioned act of respect for the Buddha, but in reality, it is an attempt to exploit the situation for personal gain. The Buddha is the Buddha, how can he be called an ordinary person's Grand Master? It is clear that the person who slanders is informed that the Buddha has never been attached to anything since the beginning of time. When the government completed the construction of the Grand Master's Hall, the Buddha did not attend the grand opening ceremony. When the Grand Master's Hall in Hong Kong was inaugurated with great pomp, the Buddha did not attend either. Where does the greed and longing come from? This is a great insult to the Buddha!

Therefore, we asked Nanwu Qiangfo, and the Buddha said, "I am building the Grand Master's Hall so that all beings can attain complete blessings and wisdom, be liberated from birth and death, and all the happiness of sentient beings is the Grand Master's Hall that I am building." The hometown of Shakyamuni Buddha is the Pure Land of the Body of Manifestation Buddha, and the hometown of Amitabha Buddha is the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The happiness and liberation of sentient beings are the achievements of the Buddha's hometown. This person is despicable, degrading the true Buddha to a Grand Master of a certain year, and slandering and belittling Nanwu Qiangfo as an ordinary person with delusional attachment and greed. This evil rumor is so poisonous that it cannot escape the retribution of evil! It is pitiful for such foolish and ignorant people. Stop playing tricks and I advise you to repent and truly practice the "Great Liberation Seal." Nanwu Qiangfo will not care about you in the slightest, and at that time, you will also be able to learn the higher teachings of Buddhism.

Nanwu Qiangfo, the Third Dharma Master!

Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions!

Office of the Third Dharma Master of Nanwu Qiangfo
May 11, 2019

Attached: Original letter of the "Request for clarification" consultation

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