


第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第五十二號公告

Just a note: Since the original text is already in Chinese, I will provide a translation into English instead.

Many Buddhist disciples have planned to come to the United States in June to celebrate the birth of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche. The Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche hereby issues this announcement.

As early as last June, during the Buddhist conference held at Shengtian Lake, the World Buddhist Headquarters, the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche had already advised everyone not to come this year. The Third Dzogchen Rinpoche said that He understands you and knows that some of you are facing difficulties in life and do not have the means to travel to the United States. He is very saddened by this. Although He never accepts any monetary offerings, He is always concerned that you have a normal life. Therefore, He has decided to welcome you when the time comes for Him to teach you the Dharma. The office now solemnly informs you that the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche will definitely be out of state during the birth celebration this year and will not be in California!!! Therefore, if you, as Buddhist disciples, have the financial ability, please hold Dharma listening sessions, release living beings, engage in charitable relief work, and perform good deeds to help the public and benefit sentient beings in your respective locations. Abstain from doing evil during the three periods of the day and practice good deeds. In the future, you will definitely learn the superior Buddha Dharma. This is also the best way to celebrate the birth of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche.

This announcement is hereby made.

Office of the Third Dzogchen Rinpoche
March 18, 2019

Link to the original announcement
