


World Buddhist Headquarters Announcement Announcement No. 20210102

Regarding your inquiries about which temples you can consult or which temples you are planning to repair, it is important to note that these temples should follow the correct teachings and practices, be temples recognized by the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha, or be temples that he approves of for restoration. Are all of these temples following the correct teachings? What kind of guru can perform the Inner Secret Empowerment or the Victorious Inner Secret Empowerment? The response is as follows:

There are many temples recognized by the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha. As long as they engage in Buddhist activities and benefit the public, and have obtained government approval as legitimate temples, the Buddha will endorse them. Any temple approved by the government will have the temple name written by the Buddha. However, except for the names given by the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha to the Huazang Temple, Zhengfa Temple, and Gufo Temple, the Buddha has not actively given names to any other temples. After the temples have chosen their names, they can request the Buddha to inscribe the temple name, and the Buddha will provide this service free of charge. Even the Holy Miracles Temple built by the headquarters in accordance with the correct teachings and practices was originally the Sanzang Temple. It was only after a significant holy miracle occurred during a Dharma assembly that the Buddha suggested changing the name to the Holy Miracles Temple. As for the Jue Xing Temple, it was named as such because the abbot, Master Shi Zheng Da, achieved the holy virtue rank in the World Buddhist Headquarters examination. The Buddha named their temple Jue Xing Temple. Another example is the Bao Ta Temple. When they signed the contract to purchase the land for the Buddhist Correct Dharma Center Temple, a pagoda appeared in the empty sky emitting light. The abbot of the temple reported this to the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha, and due to the karmic conditions, the Buddha changed the name of the Buddhist Correct Dharma Center Temple to Bao Ta Temple. Even the Huazang Buddhist Academy was given its name after the International Buddhist Sangha Association chose a name, submitted the application to the government, and obtained the necessary documents, which the Buddha then approved. The Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha stated during a Dharma discourse on August 15th of last year that any temple he inscribes does not necessarily mean that the temple is following the correct teachings and practices. Whether a temple is following the correct teachings and practices depends on whether the temple's management and abbot understand and practice the correct teachings and practices. This is the principle. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether the abbot of the temple has achieved the holy virtue rank or the rank of a great virtuous monk. As for the Inner Secret Empowerment, especially the Victorious Inner Secret Empowerment, it can only be conducted by a great virtuous monk!!! If a temple currently does not have an abbot with the holy virtue rank, but has a genuine great virtuous monk, it is still a good temple. To determine whether someone is a great virtuous monk, it is necessary to consult the World Buddhist Headquarters. If you want to carefully understand which temples are following the correct teachings and practices or spreading biased and erroneous views, you should thoroughly verify whether the temple complies with the teachings and precepts of the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha and Shakyamuni Buddha.

The World Buddhist Headquarters officially notifies Buddhist disciples that if someone has been determined to have the rank of a great virtuous monk through the examination conducted by the World Buddhist Headquarters, it is necessary to see the robes corresponding to that rank worn by the temple's management and abbot in person, as well as the certificate that matches the robes, as the standard for determination. If the rank of the person who built the temple and serves as its management and abbot meets the standard, then the temple they establish should be meritorious. On the other hand, if it does not meet the above standard, regardless of who serves as the management and abbot, the temple they establish is of an indeterminate nature, neither correct nor evil. Therefore, everyone must question such a temple. As for the magnitude of merit, it depends on the rank of the temple's management and abbot, and whether it complies with the teachings of the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha. In addition, the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha has stated in Dharma discourses that anyone he has recognized and approved in the past, everyone should also evaluate them based on the 128 views, because as time passes, some people's minds have become tainted by evil, and some have even become accomplices of fraudsters and demons. Therefore, the headquarters believes that for anyone, any of the 18 methods must be used to evaluate them. As long as they have not reached the rank of a gold button in the Three Stages, the 128 views must be used to evaluate any guru. Furthermore, even if someone has been endorsed by the Buddha, the Buddha will always require them to take the examination for determination at the headquarters. Since the implementation of the examination at the headquarters, every person recognized by the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha who has come to the headquarters for the examination has passed, without a single exception. Therefore, the headquarters has records of everyone recognized and approved by the Buddha. Therefore, regardless of how someone claims or promotes themselves, if the headquarters has no records of them, the headquarters will not recognize them, and their actions will be considered personal behavior, with an indeterminate nature of being neither correct nor evil.

At the same time, the headquarters would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone that anyone who has not reached the rank of holy virtue but forcibly asks others to worship their photos, or even requests others to serve them food by picking up dishes for them, and so on, such vile and filthy demonic behavior is even worse than garbage in the presence of the Buddha. Such individuals must be people without the Way and without virtue, and everyone should not follow them. Over the years, whenever the Third World Dharma King Dorje Chang Buddha has had a plate of fruit or snacks, as long as there are disciples present, the Buddha will first distribute the fruit or snacks to the disciples. After they have eaten, the Buddha will once again give them to the disciples until they are all distributed. This is a common occurrence. For example, yesterday, while in the car, the Buddha distributed the best cake to all the disciples in the car, leaving only a small portion for himself—two bites. When the Buddha returned to the residence and saw that two disciples at the residence had not eaten, the Buddha took out the wrapped two bites and divided them into two portions to give to the disciples. The Buddha did not even enjoy this delicious cake at all, but instead gave it all to the disciples. How humble, selfless, and loving others more than oneself the Buddha is! Now look at those individuals who force others to pick up dishes for them. They are ordinary people without the Way. If they do not repent and correct their behavior, when will they?

World Buddhist Headquarters
June 2, 2021

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