


World Buddhist Headquarters Announcement Announcement No. 20210101 Only true saints dare to practice the eighteen methods!

Headquarters hereby announces that we are extremely grateful to the Third Noble Dharma King of the Shakyamuni Clan, the Director of the Buddhist University, for his teachings on the causes and conditions of disciples of the Shakyamuni Clan and the Buddhist University. This teaching has awakened the deluded Buddhists like a dream, breaking the hollow belief that "delusion is human, enlightenment is Buddha." We are deeply grateful to the Third Noble Dharma King!

As the Third Noble Dharma King mentioned, since the Buddha's manifestation and the vow of the demon king, the son and grandson of the demon, to enter the monastic community and wear the robes of a monastic, evil has been masquerading as a teacher, undermining the true teachings of Buddhism. Therefore, in today's world, Buddhism has become a chaotic mess, with demonic people everywhere, openly contradicting the teachings, precepts, and laws of Shakyamuni Buddha. Some people, whether monastics or laypeople, who claim to be great bodhisattvas, even directly claim to be Buddhas. In fact, some people may appear to be high-ranking monastics, teachers, dharma kings, or great virtuous ones, but internally they are nothing more than ordinary people. It is just that Buddhist practitioners are deceived and unaware of the truth. These so-called holy people shamelessly tell lies and deceive others, claiming to be saints with a certificate of ordinary people, deceiving the public. These people who claim to be Buddhas and bodhisattvas are ignorant and have impure conduct. They not only break the precepts and teach falsely, but also pretend to be holy and deceive others. Some monks and nuns even engage in disgusting and immoral activities, such as physical contact between men and women, singing and dancing, which is unbearable to witness. Some even record and post videos of these evil and demonic activities online. These evil and demonic influences have infiltrated the Buddhist community, confusing the general public and deceiving countless sentient beings, mistaking demonic teachers for holy beings. In fact, whether it is a Buddha, a bodhisattva, or an arhat, the various Buddhas have long established eighteen great methods to discern and confirm their true nature. With a simple application of these methods, their true nature will be revealed, even if the false teacher is sitting on a dharma throne, claiming to be the lineage holder, the master of the dharma, the strategist of the scriptures, and having a gift for eloquence. As long as they are examined according to the law, the true and the false will be revealed immediately. If they are not true saints, why are they afraid to cultivate the eighteen methods? Because they are not saints, ordinary people cannot succeed in cultivation, so they dare not cultivate. If they do, they will be exposed and lose face.

Disciples of the Buddha, please remember that there are four important points to consider if you seek the truth: First, do not only listen to empty words and teachings; second, do not rely solely on the high position of the lineage master; third, do not only look at worldly fame and control of the dharma; fourth, you must witness their examination and be confirmed by a holy examination. Otherwise, those who rely on others will most likely fall into deception and harm themselves for a lifetime. No matter what title they hold, whether it is heavenly king, earth deity, bodhisattva, venerable, or arhat, regardless of their status in the Buddhist community, as long as they can successfully cultivate one of the eighteen methods, demonstrating the correct and lawful manifestation, they are one hundred percent the reincarnation of a Buddha or bodhisattva. If they cannot successfully cultivate even one of the eighteen methods, they are undoubtedly ordinary people with an empty reputation, false saints, or even evil deceivers. These eighteen methods are: 1. Buddha Descending Nectar; 2. Offering a Document to a Bodhisattva; 3. Victorious Fire Offering; 4. Revealing Hidden Treasures; 5. Prophecy; 6. Building an Altar on Stone; 7. Bodhi Holy Water; 8. Holding a Mace on the Seat; 9. Bodhi Path Loss and Gain Method; 10. Vajra Formation; 11. Eight Winds Formation; 12. Vajra Pillar Selection; 13. Suspended Bowl Inquiry; 14. Manifestation of Ice; 15. Vajra Dharma Mantra Selection; 16. Horse-Headed Wisdom King Water Altar Bead Divination; 17. Dharma Gate Palace Feather; 18. Dual Response Selection. These eighteen methods are used to discern the true and false, the right and wrong of saints and ordinary beings. Each method corresponds to a Buddha, bodhisattva, or protector as the main deity, with different manifestations. For example:

1. "Buddha Descending Nectar": The public witnesses the Buddha or a bodhisattva practicing and invites the Buddha to descend and pour nectar into a bowl in front of the audience.
2. "Offering a Document to a Bodhisattva": The public witnesses a great sage practicing, and the bodhisattva takes the written document in front of everyone.
3. "Victorious Fire Offering": The public witnesses a bodhisattva practicing, and the Blue Vajra Buddha Mother appears in front of the disciples, dancing and spitting fire from her eyebrows, igniting the altar placed in front of the audience. In just one second, the temperature of the fire reaches a thousand degrees Celsius.
4. "Revealing Hidden Treasures": The public personally participates and witnesses this method. Please refer to the news article from March 19, 2019, in the Vegas News or search for the news online titled "The Vajra Power Manifests in the Shengji Temple, and the Jade Master Reveals Hidden Treasures."
5. "Prophecy": The great sage himself predicts the number of nectar pills in his hand, then counts them in front of everyone, without missing a single one.
6. "Building an Altar on Stone": The public witnesses a great sage or a person of great virtue creating a sand mandala on a stone. With a snap of their fingers, the mandala drawn on the stone passes through the stone and appears in the originally empty mandala plate, forming a sacred altar.
7. "Bodhi Holy Water": The holy water cultivated by a great sage or a person of great virtue can pass through any worldly container. The water flows on the dharma platform, and the Buddha, bodhisattva, or great sage directs the flow of water with a command.
8. "Holding a Mace on the Seat": This method determines whether one has the physical strength and constitution of a saint or an ordinary person. Everyone can lift the mace equally, and their level is determined by the weight they can lift, revealing their level of saintliness.
9. "Bodhi Path Loss and Gain Method": Please refer to the teachings of the Third Noble Dharma King, which is the true invincible Vajra method for achieving Buddhahood. If one has profound cultivation and can successfully cultivate this method in public, it is impossible to deny that they are a Buddha or bodhisattva. This is the true great virtue of a Buddha or bodhisattva.
10. "Vajra Formation": This method has immense power, and there are recorded videos of the actual formation.
11. "Eight Winds Formation": This formation demonstrates its power, as those who attempt to enter the formation cannot cross even a small Vajra rope placed on the ground. There are recorded videos of the Eight Winds Formation.
12. "Vajra Pillar Selection": The public witnesses a great sage asking questions to a peacock feather suspended in the air, and the truth is revealed in front of everyone.
13. "Suspended Bowl Inquiry": The public witnesses a Vajra descending from the altar, striking the bowl to reveal the truth.
14. "Manifestation of Ice": This is for the secret empowerment of the supreme inner mandala. The manifestation is not the trembling of a basic Vajra pill, but the Vajra pill jumping like an ice dance on a snow mountain, similar to figure skating, rather than swaying like a pot, or changing size and height, flying and spinning without touching the edge of the bowl, and even displaying the mighty image of a Vajra.
15. "Vajra Dharma Mantra Selection": The public witnesses the transformation of Vajra sand into various crowns of fruit positions and ground levels, which are placed on the portraits of the person being confirmed.
16. "Horse-Headed Wisdom King Water Altar Bead Divination": A person is selected by the public to place a bodhi bead in water, and the divination is accurate without any mistakes. Please refer to Announcement No. 20200103 of the World Buddhist Headquarters.
17. "Dharma Gate Palace Feather": The public witnesses the main dharma master standing at a distance, and the disciple asks a question in front of the feather, and the feather responds to the disciple's question.
18. "Dual Response Selection": This refers to the Eight Winds Small Formation and the Manjushri Inspiration Divination. The public witnesses everyone participating in the examination, observing each other, and accurately determining the true and false. This method is convenient and quick for discerning saints and ordinary beings. It does not discriminate against anyone and does not require any conditions. In just a few seconds, the true nature is revealed. Therefore, false saints do not dare to lift the mace. However, if a male teacher has experienced one of the eighteen methods and is sincerely practicing according to the teachings, without boasting or exaggeration, and is implementing the correct teachings, or if the person has a physical ailment, they are not within the range of the mace lifting method. At the same time, Buddhist disciples should understand that as long as your teacher follows the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and the instructions of the Third Noble Dharma King, you should not despise your teacher. Because what you are learning is the Buddha's teachings, which serve as a guide for correct reasoning, and the transmission of the true teachings must be conducted by the great virtue of the Third Noble Dharma King. The role of your teacher is to help you enter the right path, practice according to the path of enlightenment, so the teacher does not have to have profound cultivation. The key is whether they conform to the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and whether they are in accordance with the standards of correct reasoning. If they conform, they can be your teacher, and as disciples, you should respect and learn from them.

Our headquarters has received many reports, mainly about individuals impersonating the Buddha and deceiving others, or individuals claiming to be great bodhisattvas or noble beings, deceiving disciples, or individuals such as monks mixing with certain nuns, singing karaoke, drinking alcohol, and eating meat... In fact, this is not surprising because Shakyamuni Buddha has already stated that this is the Dharma-ending age, a time when evil is strong and the Dharma is weak. Now, the prophecy of the Buddha has been fulfilled, with demonic and evil teachings disturbing the true teachings, breaking the pure precepts and rules, and opposing the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Such cases are everywhere, and there are even people spreading the word that they have been certified as Buddhas or bodhisattvas by the Third Noble Dharma King. Yesterday, we asked the Third Noble Dharma King about this, and he said, "I am extremely ashamed. How can I certify others as saints? From childhood until now, I have not certified anyone as a Buddha or bodhisattva. There are two reasons for this: First, I am an ordinary practitioner, so I don't have the ability to cultivate the eighteen methods. I have indeed lifted a large mace, but my waist and legs were injured. I am so ashamed, how can I have the qualification to certify others as saints or ordinary beings? Second, I am not a great sage, and I do not have the power to certify anyone as a Buddha or bodhisattva. I only know how to teach people to practice honestly according to the law, to refrain from doing evil and to do good. If someone insists on making a fuss and claims to be a saint, proclaiming themselves as a holy king, since they dare to boast shamelessly, why don't they dare to cultivate one of the eighteen methods to prove to Buddhist disciples that they are truly holy and extraordinary? Otherwise, they are false saints!!!" The holy beings in our headquarters are deeply moved by the words and actions of the Buddha. Such an extraordinary and supremely enlightened being does not have the slightest air of self-importance. The Third Noble Dharma King has already publicly demonstrated his perfect and flawless five levels of enlightenment and lifted the mace to surpass the 59th level, surpassing even the great Vajra King. He does not accept any material offerings and selflessly dedicates himself to helping others learn and practice Buddhism. There is no one else like him in the world, past or present! No matter what those who claim to be dharma kings, bodhisattvas, or great masters say, they are not even qualified to wipe the dust off the shoes of the Third Noble Dharma King. It has now been confirmed that the Third Noble Dharma King has not certified anyone as a Buddha or bodhisattva. However, our headquarters has established the "Mace Lifting Method," which is open to the public. From the smallest "Child Mace" to the "Dharma Gate Mace," to the "World Champion Mace," and even the "Buddha Mace" above the Vajra King, all can be lifted publicly in our temple. We welcome virtuous individuals from all walks of life to lift the mace. If your teacher claims to be a saint, you should secretly observe them and see if they dare to lift the mace and prove themselves. Alternatively, you can invite those who claim to be great bodhisattvas to come to the temple and lift the mace. If they say they cannot come for some reason, you should also see if they dare to go to a local gym and lift a barbell with one hand. Please inform us of the results, and we will tell you whether they have surpassed or fallen short, whether they are saints or ordinary beings. Once this is clear, those who claim to be Buddhas or bodhisattvas, or even those who claim to teach others to become saints, cannot say that they cannot even lift the mace like our 90-year-old elder, who weighs only 180 pounds. Because they are false saints and true ordinary people, they have not surpassed ordinary people in their cultivation and have not even entered the path, which means they are not even at the level of ordinary people. They are undoubtedly false saints who falsely claim to be great masters! If they cannot even lift the "Child Mace," are they not ordinary people? If they are not empty shells, are they not extraordinary beings? Please note that no matter how high their status is, as long as they boast and claim to be saints, they should be tested to see if they dare to lift the mace! Of course, this refers to teachers who claim to be saints but are actually ordinary people. Buddhist disciples should remember not to believe in those who claim to leave footprints or handprints on stones, as this is a trick to deceive people. It is an insult to the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, reducing them to stonemasons. Think about it, as Buddhas and bodhisattvas with complete enlightenment, are they only skilled in stonemasonry? Isn't that ridiculous? Moreover, throughout history, there has never been a saint who left footprints on stones in front of a large audience. The footprints and handprints you see on stones are secretly carved by false saints or their disciples beforehand using steel chisels. Afterwards, they use propaganda to deceive people, pretending to be ordinary people and saints. Buddhist practitioners, if your teacher claims to be a saint, you should observe them secretly. See if they are boasting and pretending to be saints, or if they dare to lift the mace and prove themselves. Alternatively, those who claim to be great bodhisattvas should come to the temple and lift the mace. If they say they cannot come for some reason, you should also see if they dare to go to a local gym and lift a barbell with one hand. Please inform us of the results, and we will tell you whether they have surpassed or fallen short, whether they are saints or ordinary beings. Please note that no matter how high their status is, as long as they boast and claim to be saints, they should be tested to see if they dare to lift the mace! However, this only applies to teachers who claim to be saints but are actually ordinary people. Buddhist disciples should remember not to believe in those who claim that saints can leave footprints or handprints on stones. This is a trick to deceive people and an insult to the Buddhas and bodhisattvas. Think about it, as Buddhas and bodhisattvas with complete enlightenment, are they only skilled in stonemasonry? Isn't that ridiculous? Moreover, throughout history, there has never been a saint who left footprints on stones in front of a large audience. The so-called footprints and handprints on stones are either created by false saints or their disciples secretly using steel chisels. Afterwards, they use propaganda to deceive people, pretending to be ordinary people and saints. Buddhist disciples, please be aware that apart from teachers who have been confirmed and ranked by the eighteen methods, any well-known individuals or ordinary Buddhist practitioners who have not been confirmed and ranked by one of the eighteen methods, if they claim to be saints, you should question them. Otherwise, in this Dharma-ending age, you may have already been deceived, and you are not learning and practicing Buddhism from true saints, but have fallen into the wrong path, blindly following false teachers or deceivers, causing harm for a lifetime and heading towards the three evil realms!

World Buddhist Headquarters
May 15, 2021

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