


World Buddhist Headquarters Announcement Announcement No. 20200106 Evil is abhorrent.

There are two evil behaviors that Buddhists should not follow, otherwise they will ruin their lives. This is fundamentally deviating from the essence of the "Great Liberation Handprint" as taught by the Buddha.

The first one is an article posted on the public account "Leng Yan Channel" with the title "How to Deal with Mosquitoes and Flies without Killing Them". The content suggests that three days in advance, one should ask the Buddha to let them move out, and if they don't move out after three days, then it's not one's concern and insecticides can be sprayed. This completely violates the fundamental principles of the Buddha's teachings - compassion and equality for all sentient beings. It is a deliberate act of killing, a grave sin that leads to the hell realm. For example, if I were to say to the Buddha, "Please move out, otherwise we will use a knife to kill you after three days," do you think that would be good? Is that the right behavior for us as Buddhists? Does such a person still have any trace of Bodhisattva qualities in their body and mind? It's the same principle - equality for all sentient beings means that regardless of their size, as long as there is an intention to kill them, one is no longer a Buddhist but engaged in demonic behavior. Furthermore, as a fallen and evil ordinary person, what qualifications do you have to ask the Buddha to let them leave? Do you have the moral virtue to request the Buddha's intervention? Therefore, this is an extremely evil statement!!! Pedestrians must remember not to get involved, otherwise they will inevitably fall into the evil path. For more details, please refer to the "Buddha's Purpose of Understanding". Otherwise, diligently cultivate and practice the sacred teachings of all Buddhas, without gaining any accomplishments or benefits. Perhaps as a person with dull roots and a propensity for killing, you are not even qualified to receive the "Buddha's Purpose of Understanding".

The second one is that some people already know about the problem of the uncertainty between the positive and negative aspects of the Leng Yan Mantra, yet they continue to recite it, using the excuse that they have not made a decision yet. This is an extremely sinful and evil statement! It's like the medicine we hold in our hands. After preliminary identification by doctors and experts, it is revealed that out of dozens of bottles of medicine, only one is effective, while the others are poisonous. Therefore, until the formal identification report is issued, we should not have any doubts and should immediately stop taking this batch of medicine. Otherwise, there is a great danger of leaving toxic substances in our bodies and endangering our lives. If a Buddhist knowingly continues to mix the positive and negative aspects of the teachings without being able to distinguish between them, it is a definite violation of the "Fundamental Victory Precept". Such individuals should not receive the secret initiation, as they are foolish and ignorant, loyal to evil ways, and mix the positive and negative aspects of the teachings, breaking the connection with the original teachings. It is not the case that one can disregard everything before making a decision about the positive and negative aspects. In essence, learning evil will plant the seeds of evil causes and engage in evil actions, and learning demonic practices will cultivate demonic tendencies. This is a karmic relationship. I hope everyone pays special attention to such evil words and actions in the mixed practice of the Leng Yan Mantra and be cautious not to be deceived. Currently, there are no other sutras involved.

World Buddhist Headquarters
August 19, 2020

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